Use of MQX Message Queue

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Use of MQX Message Queue

Contributor V


I am using Code warrior v10.2 and MQX of v4.0.

I am working on a project in which I need to use MQX message queue.

In my project I have two task.

For example.,

One task will monitor the switches of 5 fan, and send the output with detail like fan number with on/off of switch to other task using message.

Other task will response to message and process on it.

But what I want to do is for example if on a one time say fan 1 is ON then it will send a message to other task, but on a same if say fan 2 is off then message of fan number 2 with detail off should be in queue.

Please Note that I have learnt the demo of MQX msg queue example but cant understand anything.

How I come to know that my message is in a queue.???

I have not worked on message queue ever.

Please help with demo code.....

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2 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Utsavi Kalpesh Bharuchwala,

Please check the lwsgq example code, this is located at the below path: C:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_0\mqx\examples\lwmsgq

There are two messages queqes One for the server and another for the client. Take a look to that example. I hope that helps you.
Have a great day,

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Contributor V

Hi Sol,

Thnx for Reply.

I will try this.

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