Hi Mac,
I have similar questions for MQX 4.1. I am using TWR-K64 + TWR-SER module and by loading the sample code eth_to_ser I am able to ping the MCU (This could verify the jumper settings are correct). I would like to modify BSP project so that I can use MII interface instead of RMII interface. The files I modified are as below:
1. I changed the parameter in init_enet.c from ENET_OPTION_RMII to ENET_OPTION_MII in ENET_default_params.
2. I added signal assignments in _bsp_enet_io_init in init_gpio.c for MII interface and now it looks like this:
_mqx_int _bsp_enet_io_init
uint32_t device
PORT_MemMapPtr pctl;
SIM_MemMapPtr sim = (SIM_MemMapPtr)SIM_BASE_PTR;
/* TW: modify signal assignments for MII */
pctl = (PORT_MemMapPtr)PORTA_BASE_PTR;
pctl->PCR[5] = 0x00000400; /* PTA5, MII0_RXER */
pctl->PCR[9] = 0x00000400; /* PTA9, MII0_RXD3 */
pctl->PCR[10] = 0x00000400; /* PTA10, MII0_RXD2 */
pctl->PCR[11] = 0x00000400; /* PTA11, MII0_RXCLK */
pctl->PCR[12] = 0x00000400; /* PTA12, RMII0_RXD1/MII0_RXD1 */
pctl->PCR[13] = 0x00000400; /* PTA13, RMII0_RXD0/MII0_RXD0 */
pctl->PCR[14] = 0x00000400; /* PTA14, RMII0_CRS_DV/MII0_RXDV */
pctl->PCR[15] = 0x00000400; /* PTA15, RMII0_TXEN/MII0_TXEN */
pctl->PCR[16] = 0x00000400; /* PTA16, RMII0_TXD0/MII0_TXD0 */
pctl->PCR[17] = 0x00000400; /* PTA17, RMII0_TXD1/MII0_TXD1 */
pctl->PCR[24] = 0x00000400; /* PTA24, MII0_TXD2 */
pctl->PCR[25] = 0x00000400; /* PTA25, MII0_TXCLK */
pctl->PCR[26] = 0x00000400; /* PTA26, MII0_TXD3 */
pctl->PCR[27] = 0x00000400; /* PTA27, MII0_CRS */
pctl->PCR[28] = 0x00000400; /* PTA28, MII0_TXER */
pctl->PCR[29] = 0x00000400; /* PTA29, MII0_COL */
pctl = (PORT_MemMapPtr)PORTB_BASE_PTR;
pctl->PCR[1] = PORT_PCR_MUX(4); /* PTB1, RMII0_MDC/MII0_MDC */
pctl = (PORT_MemMapPtr)PORTC_BASE_PTR;
/* Enable clock for ENET module */
return MQX_OK;
Then I recompiled and loaded new code to TWR board but it didn't work. I cannot ping the TWR MCU. Can you advise what might be going wrong? I noticed that you mentioned MII clocking is different with RMII. Is there any other BSP files I need to modify or something on my modified code is not correct?
Thank you very much!
In order to change RMII to MII under MQX, you need at minimum:
1. Add the port initialization in init_gpio.c file.
2. Change ENET_OPTION_RMII to ENET_OPTION_MII in ENET_default_params initialization.
3. If you are using different phy change your configuration properly in phy_ksz8041.c
4. Then I think it also changes the way the core clocks are sourced (in RMII they have to be synchronous with PHY, in MII they don’t)
I hope this helps,
Have a great day,
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Thanks, Sol,
That's very helpful!
I am going to branch this question into a new thread since this is a different topic and different version. I don't personally have experience switching from RMII to MII, but I am sure others do. You definitely need to make sure that the hardware supports MII. MII requires more signals to be connected and also the clocking is different.
Hi Mac,
Yes, the clocking and bootstrapping settings need to change for MII interface:
- MII uses 25MHz clock input so J2 on TWR-SER sould be set to 1-2.
- No shunt across any pin on J12 of TWR-SER so the PHY KSZ8041NL is bootstrapped for MII interface.