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Senior Contributor I
Freescale is constantly striving to improve our products and support.  We can't do it without your help. 

Help us improve our training, documentation, software features, software releases, and any other topics related to Freescale MQX.

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Message Edited by rav on 2009-01-22 05:54 AM
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13 返答(返信)

Contributor II

It seems odd to me that with the Kinetis processors, PE and the CAN module can set individual receive masks for each mailbox, but looking into the FLEXCAN module in MQX, there is no interface for individual mailbox masks.

0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

One more note about MPC8308 port.


I saw that SDRAM was separated into large cacheble and non-cachable areas with additional MMU.


I understood that the reason is troubles with TSEC and DMA ring descriptors and buffers in cachable memory.


THE SOLUTION IS to enable bus snooping (in ATTR register for receiver...) as Linux driver does!  :smileywink:


0 件の賞賛

Contributor V



I faced and solved some problems between task priorities and task template list, and I think It would be interesting to add the related info to the docs. See :

0 件の賞賛

Contributor III

My current wishes are:

+ DMA support for UARTs (see

+ out-of-the-box USB composite device support (see USB composite device)

0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

A few words about new MPC8308 MQX port.


In init_bsp.c module in decrementer initialization branch hasn't been set value to:


kernel_data->TIMER_HW_REFERENCE = timer_preload;

so strange sheduling occurs, but in GPT branch was set.


Also some funny usage of:


_time_set_hwtick_function(_e300_decrementer_get_hwticks, (pointer)timer_preload);

but "timer_preload" is a variable not a function.  :smileyhappy:  Also found in MPC51525 port.


0 件の賞賛

Contributor IV

Found a bug in kflexcan.c that causes it to not function when using CAN0.


* $FileName: kflexcan.c$
* $Version :$
* $Date    : Nov-5-2010$
* Comments:
*   Revision History:
*   Date             Version  Changes
*   ---------        -------  -------
*   June 10/04        2.50     Initial version


Line 343 of is:


   while((CAN1_MCR & CAN_MCR_FRZACK_MASK) == 0) {}


Should be:


   while((can_reg_ptr->MCR & CAN_MCR_FRZACK_MASK) == 0) {}



0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

Organize better.

Or maybe not obvious to me ...


Be able to look at posts filtered by processor, CW version MQX version.

Remove "flakeyness" in MQX & CW. i've used uC/OS II, HCS12 & CW - pretty solid.

Moving to Coldfire, so planning on using CW & MQX, but .... too much confusion!



0 件の賞賛

Senior Contributor II

Is this where we should put requests for updates?


We use PTJ7 as a GPIO (MCF52259) which requires modification of gpio_init.c. is it possible to have this as a standard option in user_config.h so we dont have to modifiy bsp?


I have done the following modification at the bottom of _bsp_enet_io_init()



//   mcf5225_ptr->GPIO.PTJPAR = 0xFF;

// Added this to allow us to use the 'un-used' pin
#warning PTJ7 will be left as GPIO when ENET IO is loaded / configured / reset
   mcf5225_ptr->GPIO.PTJPAR = 0x7F;
   mcf5225_ptr->GPIO.PTJPAR = 0xFF;


0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

HI every body.

I have just started with Freescale MQX. I ´d like to know if  there are some key suggestions about the use(or visibility) of MQX variables that lead to a no execive use of onchip memory resources and or help to prevent  further task´s stack overlap.

Thanks for your ideas

0 件の賞賛

Contributor III

I have a suggestion to tell you and your company.
The MQX RTOS of Freescale is a really powerful Software. The efficiency of MQX RTOS is really good. But  freescale didn't  provide a file about architecture of MQX RTOS. And Freescale Did not provide a seminar in detail. There are only MQX RTOS UG and other API RM. But they didn't write all the defination of functions and micros in detail. Just like setjmp(b) and longjmp(b,n) that are in my problems.
Would Freescale semiconductor provide a web seminar about introduction of MQX RTOS in detail? Or Freescale semiconductor may provide a file to introduce the architecture of the MQX RTOS? I think that we don't need a small introduction in five minutes. We really need a fully introduction about the software in detail. I consider that this is a only way to solve any weird problems, just like my problem.
And This is a only way to introduce the powerful MCU to all engineer.
 Freescale also have already provided  a fully seminar for CMX USB lite Stack in detail.

I think that Freescale also do a same seminar or e-class for customers.
Thank you for your Help.
Sincerely Yours

Message Edited by fish_yu on 2009-06-30 08:42 PM
0 件の賞賛

Senior Contributor II

Just a little feedback.


I think having a boot loader example with MQX is key. The example should have a simple way of getting data from say a comm port or just from the MRAM table then varifiying the flash for a valid operatig system before booting to that MQX image.


I think this would be a better example than HVAC, or, to include this with the HVAC demo so you can do it via the HTTP interface would be great!


I cannot think of a project that would deploy something like MQX without being able to remotely upload new software. 


 We are currently writing a remote boot loader that works via GPRS.

Message Edited by CarlFST60L on 2009-07-22 11:38 PM
Message Edited by CarlFST60L on 2009-07-22 11:38 PM
0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

I totally support the Bootloader demo!

Please include it in the next release

0 件の賞賛

Contributor I


Currently I am working on MCF5213 controller ,For my application I am serching for best RTOS which fulfilles my requirement,

So I serach MQX RTOS which is freeware with Silab controller,But I have a confusion in my mind wheather MQx is fully supporting MCF 5213 controller which includes UART,SPI,I2C,GPIO,Rapid GPIO and other ports, So can any one suggest me wheather I can go with MQX for MCF5213

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