KDS and PE Micro Debugger Setup?

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KDS and PE Micro Debugger Setup?

Contributor III


My application compiles and builds......

When i try to debug, It crash and burns.....

Can someone provide some insight?


KDS 1.1.0

MQX 4.1.1 with PE

PE Micro MultiLink


Error Message

The target endianness is set automatically (currently little endian)



Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.

0xfffffffe in ?? ()


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14 返答(返信)

Contributor III

I updated to the latest KDS and SDK Update for eclipse.

I am unable to get attach project to run on the board...

I maybe missing a step.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Can you share as well your debug/lauch configuration?

See Sharing Debug Configuration with Eclipse | MCU on Eclipse

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Contributor III

Here you go.....

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I tried your project, and see the problem, but not sure what it is.

What I can say is that the debug configuration is fine, and the problem seems to be MQX specific.

If I disable MQX, the project runs fine.

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Contributor III

Do you know which MQX I should use?

I have MQX 4.1.1 installed. I have the latest patches install in KDS.

Is it possible to setup a MQX project with PE enabled using KDS and run it on frdm-k64f?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Now I've installed the FSLMQXOS_4_1_1_GA.exe.

I've followed step by step the process explaining in the MQX_KDS_Getting_Started.pdf doc which is located under the installation folder


with frdmk64f instead of twrk64f120m.

After to have built the MQX lib I'm able to build the project without problem.

By default the configuration is for JLink. I've created a new one for P&E.

Now I can launch the debugger and the application is loaded on-board through the Multilink interface without problem.

Is it working on your side ?

May be there is a problem to import an application created under MCU V10.6 to KDS when MQX V4.1.1 is used.

It seems to be your case

Have a great day,
Pascal Irrle

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Contributor III

Nice. I got this to work but I am also trying to use PE LDD api.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


The new version KDS V1.1.1 is supporting LDD beans.

Attached the PEx_KDS_1_1_Release_Notes.pdf.

Have a great day,
Pascal Irrle

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


You're looking for Logical Device Drivers (LDD).

These functions are available under PEx in MCU V10.6.

However I don't know if it's available for KDS.

I will check with PEx team and will keep you informed.

Have a great day,
Pascal Irrle

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Sir Erich Styger has answer:


·        You might have a read at There is a Time and Date for both Worlds | MCU on Eclipse<http://mcuoneclipse.com/2012/07/26/there-is-a-time-and-date-for-both-worlds/>

First, there were the 'high level beans' or 'high level components': Easy to use components and drivers which can be both used in bare metal and RTOS environment, as long as the application (with or without RTOS) takes care about shared peripherals. You will see that high level components get initialized implicitly with PE_low_level_init() called inside main().

These high level components exists say for HCS08, HCS12, DSC, ColdFire.

Then came Kinetis and with it the LDD (Logical Device Drivers). The difference is that they have a different API, and the biggest change is that they have a 'driver handle' passed to each API function you call. You get that device handle from the Init() method. Unlike the high-level components, you can use one driver from different contexts. The downside is that the API is more complex, and makes it not compatible with the previous high level components. That's why for many of the LDD components there is a 'high-level-component' as a wrapper to the LDD: both to make usage simpler (or less powerful), and to provide a bridge and compatibility between the LDD and the high level component world.

Having said that, things are changing again with the Kinetis SDK (www.freescale.com/kds): unlike as with the LDD and high level components were they are generating the actual driver code, with the Kinetis SDK the driver code is 'static' (not generated) and comes from the SDK. Processor Expert SDK components here configure the SDK (creating the configuration header files), but not actually generating the driver code. The driver code is in the SDK.

I hope this helps,




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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


I've checked on MQX and I've downloaded the FSLMQXOS_4_1_1_GA.exe.

I've installed it.

I will check it and will keep you informed.

Have a great day,
Pascal Irrle

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi KW,

My config is:

a) Solftware

      Windows 7 32 bit

      KDS 1.1.0

      KSDK 1.0.0

b) Hardware

      P&E Multilink Universal rev.B


I've created a project through the Project Wizard for Boards + Kinetis + FRDM-K64F.

After to have build the application and config the P&E Debug interface, I launch the debugger.

The application is loaded on-board and I can debug it without problem.

      Refer to the zip file attached.

For my understanding MQX was not designed for KDS.

The KSDK is in fact a dedicated version for Kinetis devices which is supporting KDS as IAR, etc ...


After to have installed it, I recommend you to refer to the \KSDK_1.0.0\doc folder.

Hope this will help you.

Have a great day,
Pascal Irrle

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Contributor III

I created my project using project wizard

1) Boards + Kinetis + FRDM-K64F.

2) Deselect KSDK + Select Processor Expert

3) Finish

I am porting a Code Warrior and PE, MQX RTOS project over to KDS, PE with MQX 4.1

Any pointers on how to do that?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


There is a doc \KDS_1.1.0\doc\pdf\kds_porting_guide.pdf.

I don't know if there is another doc specific for MQX project from MCU v10.x to KDS.

Personally I've never tried it.


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