I am now crazy by MQX! I develop one custom MC51AC128A board ,and want to develop one MQX bsp for my board, I following the MQX user manual and build new bsp libraries. but when I want to use the bsp, I never get it running!
I use m51acdemo bsp as baseline, and modify it to fit my board. In mqx/source/bsp, I create a new directory" NScf51ACR1",which is my board name. then copy all m51acdemo bsp into nscf51acr1 directory, the modify them.
I use cw for mcu V6.3, and rebuild successfully the bsp and psp libraries, then I use the hello example in mqx/examples, modify the "hello_m51acdemo.mcp" to "hello_nscf51acr1.mcp", change the "debug setting->access paths" , add my bsp libraries into project. then build successfully without any errors.
BUT, when I use P&E multilink to dowload the image into internal flash ,a dialog appears, see attachment.
How to create a new application using MQX BSP from scrach?
there are old access paths in the example project. You have to change them too. They must point to lib directory of your new board. I suppose you changed the output directory in your new libraries and the post-linker batch file too.
PetrM, thanks for your reply
The critical point is how to change the old access paths to new paths?
I try many times, and can't solve the problem.
hope your help!
For all targets in the combo box of the example project, click on Settings icon and in panel Target -> Access paths you'll see the old paths. Go through them one by one, click Change button and find new location in the lib directory structure.
You have to change the debugger settings location too - it's on panel Target -> Build Extras, text input debugger Arguments, replace there the old path with the new one.
Good day for everybody.
I have spent a lot of time tring to clone twrmcf51cn128 BSP and PSP. I've set all packages(BSP, PSP,MFS,RTCS and SHELL) data path and each one compiles successfuly but when I type F7 to compil my build_ss2_libs.mcp project which is the one holding whole libraries projects, this vdo nothig, so I don't get output files updated.
Any help is greatly wellcome
you need to go to Targets tab, expand all "+" and click (create black arrow) on appropriate targets in all libraries.
Boring, but it needs to be specified...