Hi all,
I'm developing a Ethernet bootloader for a MCF54455, using CW10 and MQX 3.6.1 Right now I'm reading the MQX Drivers Users Guide and I realized that my MCU doesn't have MQX GPIO Driver. I don`t really now how does this affect to the MCF54455 ability to access directly to it's pins.
Is possible to use other alternatives to access to my MCUs pins under MQX? Witch ones? Maybe MCF54455_GPIO.h? Surely there is a way to do so, but what happens to the MQX tasks then? I mean, is the Real Time Broken? Does the MQX hang?
Thanks a lot,
Ok, solved.
I can still use the generic GPIO driver to access to the pins.
I have just read the io_gpio.h and I can't use the Generic Driver if I don't have the specific hw driver, so the problem is still open. Sorry.
I'm working on CW 7.2 and MCF52259. Once I turned the board leds on and off using:
and then accessing the GPIO registers whose data structure is defined in MQX. For example:
reg_ptr->GPIO.PORTTC = 0x00; reg_ptr->GPIO.DDRTC = 0x00;
Hope it helps, regards,
Hello again,
Could you please show me where can I find the GPIO registers data structures defined in MQX?
The processor register definitions are in the mcf5225.h header file contained in the PSP project.
Specifically for the MCF52259 it is located in the default install path of:
C:\Program Files\Freescale\Freescale MQX 3.6\mqx\source\psp\coldfire\mcf5225.h
Thanks, that will do it.
Thank you Lord Mark. I will try it.