Error opening filesystem:

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Error opening filesystem:

Contributor II

Dear all:

I have a problem when I use SD card. I attached my code before. I found the return value is error when I use fopen = ("a:",NULL); the return value is 0x000000.

I dont know why?

void main(void)


     (void)          temp; /* suppress 'unused variable' warning */

      boolean            inserted = TRUE, readonly = FALSE, last = FALSE;

    _mqx_int        error_code;

    _mqx_uint       param;

    MQX_FILE_PTR    com_handle, sdcard_handle, filesystem_handle, partition_handle;

    char            filesystem_name[] = "MFS:";

    char            partman_name[] = "pm:";

    char            partition_name[] = "pm:1";

com_handle = fopen(BSP_SDCARD_ESDHC_CHANNEL, (void *)(SPI_FLAG_FULL_DUPLEX));

error_code = _io_sdcard_install("sdcard:", (void *)&_bsp_sdcard0_init, com_handle);

sdcard_handle = fopen("sdcard:", 0);

       /* Install MFS over SD card driver */

error_code = _io_mfs_install(sdcard_handle, filesystem_name,0);

(The return value is all correct above)

filesystem_handle = fopen(filesystem_name, NULL);  (filesystem_handle  is equal to 0x00000000) and mention "Error open filesystemname" But I think I can open the sdcard device. Therefore, there is not problem in hardware? right ?

error_code = ferror(filesystem_handle);


Any one can help me .thankyou

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3 Replies

Contributor II

I use the demo board that design by myself. I realize this function before. Due to my issue, I lost my program. so I did again. the version of MQX is 4.0.         I try the sdcard example , but I found the program would be dead when it execute (filesystem_handle = fopen(filesystem_name, NULL); ). I use debuger to debug step by step.

In addition ,I have try 2G sd card and 16G sd card.

                                                                                                                                           Thx sol.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Are you using a Freescale board?

Which MQX version are you using?

Could you please try using the sdcard example in order to discard a software or hardware issue? This example is located at the path:  C:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_2\mfs\examples\sdcard

Could you please try using different sd card brands and capacities?

If you are using a Freescale board, could you please double check the jumper settings?

Have a great day,

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Contributor II

Besides ,I also found I can read and write the block in SD card . But I can not install a mfs filesystem inside.

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