Does Freescale have SNMP support in RTCS? Do you have any...

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Does Freescale have SNMP support in RTCS? Do you have any...

Contributor III
Does Freescale have SNMP support in RTCS? Do you have any materials? Now we are developing coldfire V2 MCF52236.
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6 Replies

Senior Contributor I
RTCS includes SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c. A complete summary of protocols included with RTCS is located on this page . If you require SNMPv3, a third party package integrated with RTCS is available (contact on this if interested).

NXP Apps Support
NXP Apps Support
We are working on a SNMP sample application for the next MQX release in April. This new release will also contain BSP for M52235EVB.

Specialist II
Are you going to include a MIB2C compiler to generate stubs for custom MIBs or the application will use the standard MIBs already coded?
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Contributor IV
Yes, the plan is to provide a compiler.
Message Edited by EAI on 2009-02-26 01:42 PM
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Specialist II

Hello, I am using MXQ 3.6 for ColdFire MFC52259 and I would like to use the SNMP MQX Mibs. I already use the SNMP features for the MQX 3.6 RTOS and everything seems to work fine. Now, I activated the MQX Mibs (MIBMQX_init() function) to start monitoring the MQX RTOS status through SNMP.

The problem is when I try to load the "mqxmib.mib" file located in the "Freescale\Freescale MQX 3.6\rtcs\source\snmp" folder on any standard SNMP monitoring tool like "Manageengine MibBrowser for Windows XP" or "SnmpSource MibViewer for Windows XP". An error related to the Keyword "MqxTaskSched" occurs.

The error description when I try to load the mqxmib.mib file on the SNMP monitoring tool is:

For the Manageengine MibBrowser: "The 'INDEX' or 'AUGMENTS' keyword was missing in the table row object type construct which contains the sequence as MqxTaskSched".
For the SnmpSource MibViewer: "mqxmib.mib has error! Keyword missing: MqxTaskSched."

I have not modified the "mqxmib.mib" file nor the "mqxmib.c" file for the MQX BSP at all.

Steps To reproduce:

Load the SNMP mqxmib.mib file located in Freescale\Freescale MQX 3.6\rtcs\source\snmp folder on any standard SNMP monitoring tool.


Expected Results:

To successfully load the "mqxmib.mib" file on any standard SNMP monitoring tool and be able to monitor the MQX RTOS status through SNMP.


Observed Results:

The problem is when I try to load the "mqxmib.mib" file on an SNMP monitoring tool like "Manageengine MibBrowser for Windows XP" or "SnmpSource MibViewer for Windows XP". An error related to the Keyword "MqxTaskSched" in the mqxmib.mib file occurs. the same error is seen using MQX 3.7.


I attach the "mqxmib.mib".


Any suggestion or help to solve the problem will be very appreciated.

Thank you so much and my best regards.



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Specialist II

I have another question:


Is it possible to  Specify one or more NMS (network management system) clients that are authorized to collect SNMP information from the TWR-MFC52259 system as security feature?


What I can see is that the SNMP_init_with_traps(char_ptr name, uint_32  priority, uint_32  stacksize, _ip_address _PTR_ traplist) function initializes the SNMP agent and the third parameter of that function is an IP adresses array for the NMSs that will receive the traps.


But what I need is to set one or more NMS clients that will be authorized to collect the SNMP information from the TWR-System.


Is that feature supported?


Many Thanks.




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