Some question about MPC5644 parameter in datasheet

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Some question about MPC5644 parameter in datasheet

Contributor II

1, I uploaded the datasheet to the attachment, picture 1 is intercepted from datasheet P92,which voltage ( VDD_HV_ADC0 ? VDD_HV_ADC1? VDD_HV_ADC?) supply current to IDD_HV(FLASH),. what is the relationship between three Voltage

2, picture is intercepted from datasheet P65. What's the difference between the Flash current in picture 1 and picture 2?

    Are there not the same Flash between picture 1 and picture 2?

1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

1) It is VDD_HV_A and it is portion current flowing into HPREG/LPREG (as VDD_HV_A is also use to power the on-chip regulators). Is has nothing to do with ADC, it is documentation typo. I will report it.


2) There is none.


3) The difference is that specification IDD_HV(FLASH) shows Typical value at TA = 25°C,  and fperiph = 8 MHz to 120 MHz. In comparison to that ICFMOD/IDFMOD shows Maximum values over whole temperature and voltage range.


4) If you ask whether both specifications are related to the same flashes, then yes, they are.