MPC57XX Glitch Filter

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MPC57XX Glitch Filter

Contributor V


Processor Type: MPCX5746C.

Question: Where does the 'n' come from in the following equation: [Filter Period = TCK*MAXCNTx + n*TCK]

I understand TCK: (Prescaled Clock)

      TCK = Prescaled Filter Clock Period = T(IRC) x (IFCP + 1)

I understand MAXCNTx: (Number of prescaled clocks for blanking period)

      SIUL2 Interrupt Filter Maximum Counter Register

      MAXCNTx can be 0 to 15 (for MAXCNT<3 filter will behave as all PASS filter)

15.2.9 SIUL2 Interrupt Filter Maximum Counter Register (SIUL2_IFMCRn)
      Maximum Interrupt Filter Counter setting
      Filter Period = TCK*MAXCNTx + n*TCK
      where (n can be 0 to 4)
      MAXCNTx can be 0 to 15 (for MAXCNT<3 filter will behave as all PASS filter)
      TCK Prescaled Filter Clock Period, which is IRC clock prescaled to IFCP value
      T(IRC) Basic Filter Clock Period: 62.5 ns (F=16 MHz)
      Also note that Filter delay is 2 TCK clock cycles more than Filter period

15.2.10 SIUL2 Interrupt Filter Clock Prescaler Register  (SIUL2_IFCPR)

      Interrupt Filter Clock Prescaler setting
      Prescaled Filter Clock Period = T(IRC) x (IFCP + 1)
      T(IRC) is the internal oscillator period.
      IFCP can be 0 to 15

Thank you,

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n is a synchronisation uncertainty and it can be from 0 to 4.