MPC5744P Custom Board Design

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MPC5744P Custom Board Design

Contributor I



Hello, I am designing a custom board to use the MPC5744P microcontroller by following the MPC5744P Devkit schematic without open SDA. I use PE Micro for Flashing and Debugging. However, an error occurred as shown in the S32DS application image. After I tested the hardware, there was a mismatch in the SBC MC33FS6503 regulator output. All the regulator output pins do not match the regulator output that I compared with the MPC5744P REV E Devkit, even almost 0V. An example of the case that I found, the Vpre 6.5V regulator voltage is only appropriate when the board is first supplied with voltage from the battery or when the KL15 is turned on. However, this condition only lasts a few seconds, after which the regulator voltage is again inappropriate. Can anyone find a problem with the schematic that I made?

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