ADC in MPC5604B

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ADC in MPC5604B

Contributor II

This is my code ,Why I cannot start my AD Conversion !

when I executate  ADC.MCR.B.NSTART=1;  In register This bit Cannot be set.

Could you please tell me where has problems? Thanks in advance for your kindly help!


#include "MPC5604B_0M27V_0102.h" /* Use proper header file */

  uint16_t Result[3];             /* ADC conversion results */

  uint16_t ResultInMv[3];         /* ADC conversion results in mv */


void initModesAndClock(void) {

  ME.MER.R = 0x0000001D;          /* Enable DRUN, RUN0, SAFE, RESET modes */

                                  /* Initialize PLL before turning it on: */

  CGM.FMPLL_CR.R = 0x02400100;    /* 8 MHz xtal: Set PLL0 to 64 MHz */  

  ME.RUN[0].R = 0x001F0074;       /* RUN0 cfg: 16MHzIRCON,OSC0ON,PLL0ON,syclk=PLL0 */

  ME.RUNPC[1].R = 0x00000010;  /* Peri. Cfg. 1 settings: only run in RUN0 mode */

  ME.PCTL[32].R = 0x01;      /* MPC56xxB/P/S ADC 0: select ME.RUNPC[1] */

  ME.PCTL[68].R = 0x01;      /* MPC56xxB/S SIU: select ME.RUNPC[1] */

                                  /* Mode Transition to enter RUN0 mode: */

  ME.MCTL.R = 0x40005AF0;         /* Enter RUN0 Mode & Key */

  ME.MCTL.R = 0x4000A50F;         /* Enter RUN0 Mode & Inverted Key */ 

  while (ME.GS.B.S_MTRANS) {}     /* Wait for mode transition to complete */   

                                  /* Note: could wait here using timer and/or I_TC IRQ */

  while(ME.GS.B.S_CURRENTMODE != 4) {} /* Verify RUN0 is the current mode */




void disableWatchdog(void) {

  SWT.SR.R = 0x0000c520;     /* Write keys to clear soft lock bit */

  SWT.SR.R = 0x0000d928;

  SWT.CR.R = 0x8000010A;     /* Clear watchdog enable (WEN) */




void initPeriClkGen(void) {

/* Use the following code as required for MPC56xxB or MPC56xxS:*/

  CGM.SC_DC[2].R = 0x80;   /* MPC56xxB/S: Enable peri set 3 sysclk divided by 1 */




void main (void) {

  vuint32_t i = 0;      /* Dummy idle counter */



  initModesAndClock();    /* Initialize mode entries and system clock */

  disableWatchdog();      /* Disable watchdog */

  initPeriClkGen();       /* Initialize peripheral clock generation for DSPIs */



  SIU.PCR[24].R = 0x2000;         /* MPC56xxB: Initialize PB[8] as ANS0 */

  SIU.PCR[25].R = 0x2000;         /* MPC56xxB: Initialize PB[9] as ANS1 */

  SIU.PCR[26].R = 0x2000;         /* MPC56xxB: Initialize PB[10] as ANS2 */



  ADC.MCR.R = 0x80000000;         /* Initialize ADC0 for one short mode */

  ADC.NCMR[1].R = 0x00000007;     /* Select ANS0:2 inputs for conversion */

  ADC.CTR[1].R = 0x00008606;      /* Conversion times for 32MHz ADClock */

  ADC.MCR.B.NSTART=1;             /* Trigger normal conversions for ADC0 */


  while (1) {

    while (ADC.CDR[33].B.VALID != 1) {};                /* Wait for last scan to complete */

    Result[0]= ADC.CDR[32].B.CDATA;                     /* Read ANS0 conversion result data */

    Result[1]= ADC.CDR[33].B.CDATA;                     /* Read ANS1 conversion result data */

    Result[2]= ADC.CDR[34].B.CDATA;                     /* Read ANS2 conversion result data */

    ResultInMv[0] = (uint16_t) (5000*Result[0]/0x3FF);  /* Converted result in mv */

    ResultInMv[1] = (uint16_t) (5000*Result[1]/0x3FF);  /* Converted result in mv */

    ResultInMv[2] = (uint16_t) (5000*Result[2]/0x3FF);  /* Converted result in mv */




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1 返信

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Li weimin,

Your code seems to work fine. Explanation of your question is described in reference manual for Bolero in chapter on page 594.

The MSR[NSTART] status bit is automatically set when the normal conversion starts. At the same time the MCR[NSTART] bit is reset, allowing the software to program a new start of conversion. In that case

the new requested conversion starts after the running conversion is completed.



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