MPC5xxx Knowledge Base

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MPC5xxx Knowledge Base

  • General 164
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Hardware:TRK-MPC560XB, IDE:codewarrior 10.6; External Crystal Oscillator: 8M System Core Frequency: 64MHz FlexCAN Baute rate: 250bps BUF[1] Interrupt, Bus Off Interrupt, Err Interrupt enable;   QQ:511437685
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MCU:MPC5606B External Crystal Oscillator: 9.6M System Core Frequency: 64MHz DSPI Baute rate: 1.14Mbps CPOL:0 CPHA:0 Receive\Transmit Interrupt:enable; attention:CONT   QQ:511437685
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IDE: CodeWarrior 10.6 mcu:MPC5606B Conversion Mode:Scan Channel: ADC1, 1\2\3\13\14 End of Chain Conversion interrupt enable; QQ:511437685
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/* * Queue.h * *  Created on: May 28, 2015 *      Author: ShuLizhong */     #ifndef QUEUE_H_ #define QUEUE_H_ #ifdef _cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*If you want to change the queue type(QUEUE_TYPE) and queue max size(QUEUE_MAX_SIZE),   you should define it at front of include queue.h file. eg: ******in xxx.h file***** code**** #define QUEUE_TYPE   Other type(unsigned int) #define QUEUE_MAX_SIZE   Other size(100) #include "qeue.h" code**** */ #ifndef QUEUE_TYPE #define QUEUE_TYPE unsigned char #endif #ifndef QUEUE_MAX_SIZE #define QUEUE_MAX_SIZE 100 #endif #define bool unsigned int typedef enum {   OK,   FULL,   EMPTY }QUEUE_STATUS; typedef struct {   unsigned int tail;   unsigned int head;   unsigned int size;   unsigned int length;   QUEUE_TYPE data[QUEUE_MAX_SIZE]; }Queue_tag,*pQueue_tag;     __inline void InitQueue(pQueue_tag q) {   q->tail = q->head = q->size = 0;   q->length = QUEUE_MAX_SIZE; } __inline  QUEUE_STATUS EnQueue(pQueue_tag q,QUEUE_TYPE data) {   if(q->size++ == QUEUE_MAX_SIZE)   return FULL;   q->data[q->tail] = data;   q->tail = (q->tail+1) % QUEUE_MAX_SIZE;   return OK; } __inline QUEUE_STATUS DeQueue(pQueue_tag q, QUEUE_TYPE *data) {   if(q->size-- == 0)   return EMPTY;   *data = q->data[q->head];   q->head = (q->head+1) % QUEUE_MAX_SIZE;   return OK; } __inline bool IsQueueEmpty(pQueue_tag q) {   return q->size == 0; } __inline bool IsQueueFull(pQueue_tag q) {   return q->size == QUEUE_MAX_SIZE; } __inline unsigned int GetQueueSize(pQueue_tag q) {   return q->size; } __inline unsigned int GetQueueLength(pQueue_tag  q) {   return q->length; } /*__inline unsigned int DeMoreBytesFromQueue(pQueue_tag q,QUEUE_TYPE *data,unsigned int len) {   unsigned int i = 0;   len++;   return 0; }*/     #ifdef _cplusplus } #endif #endif /* QUEUE_H_ */
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