Example MPC5775K UART_with_DMA S32DS_1.0

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Example MPC5775K UART_with_DMA S32DS_1.0

Example MPC5775K UART_with_DMA S32DS_1.0


* Detailed Description:

* Application performs basic initialization, setup PLL to maximum allowed freq.,

* setup clock for peripherals, Setup access right for Masters and Peripherals

* on AIPS_0


* LINFlex UART mode with FIFO transmit using DMA

* LINFlex UART mode with FIFO receive using DMA


* ICache and DCache are both disabled in startup file using CACHE_ENABLE macro.

* You can change the value of the macro at the following path:

* project Properties/C/C++ General/Paths and Symbols/Symbols

* If you change the value to 1, ICahce and DCache will be enabled in startup.



* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Test HW:         MPC5775K-356DS, MPC57xx Motherboard

* MCU:             PPC5775KMMY3A 0N38M

* Terminal:        19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control on LINFlexD_0

* Fsys:            PLL0 266MHz

*                    Z4 Core 133MHz

* Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32

*                  PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS

* Target:          internal_FLASH (debug mode, release mode)

* EVB connection:  J14.2 to P12.6 Connect LINFlexD_0 RXD to main RS232

*                  J13.2 to P12.7 Connect LINFlexD_0 TXD to main RS232



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‎02-11-2016 07:17 AM