Example MPC5675K PinToggleStationery LSM CW210

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Example MPC5675K PinToggleStationery LSM CW210

Example MPC5675K PinToggleStationery LSM CW210


* Detailed Description:

* Application performs basic initialization, setup PLL to maximum allowed freq.,

* initializes interrupts, blinking one LED by interrupt, second LED by software

* loop, initializes and display notice via UART terminal and then terminal ECHO.

* The example configures the device for maximum performance (OPTIMIZATIONS_ON)

* by initialization of instruction/data cache and enabling of branch prediction.

* Example suppose MCU is configured for LSM (Lock-step mode).

* Its intention is to offer advanced startup code additional to CW stationery.


* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Test HW:        MPC5675KEVB

* MCU:            PPC5675KFMMSJ in Lock-Step mode

* Fsys:           180/150 MHz CORE_CLK

* Debugger:       Lauterbach Trace32

*                 PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS

* Target:         RAM, internal_FLASH

* Terminal:       19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control on eSCI_A

* EVB connection: default




Very helpful. But when core0 in debug mode, core1 in reset. How can make the two cores run concurrently?

This example runs in lockstep mode i.e. two cores runs synchronously and acts as one.

Use following example that use decoupled parallel mode (that is 2 cores runs independently):

Example MPC5675K PinToggleStationery DPM CW210

Note that chip must be configured for DPM mode (if you use lauterbach debugger, attached script switch the mode automatically).

I found the script in t32 folder.But unfortunately I use the PEMicro Multilink debugger. How to do the switching to LSM job?

Description how to switch between LSM/DPM with using of PEMicro Multilink you may find for instance here, chapter 6:



I wrote a very detail description on how to change modes on this thread: How do I start the MPC5675K in Lockstep Mode?


Dear David,

I can´t figure out why code do not exit the condition on ModesAndClks_init:

while(0 == ME.GS.B.S_XOSC) {};      // Wait for mode entry to complete

I set up the MPC5675K Eval board to LSM, but still, when running the code I got stuck.

I´m currently using MPC5675K eval board in LSM, CodeWarrior 10.6.4 and P&E FX multilink.

Thanks a lot for any tip...

It would recommend to check RGM and ME status registers and FCCU status register.

Note that FCCU register are readable by default - for instance for getting FCCU status, it is needed to write OP3 key into FCCU_CTRL[OPR] field in order to FCCU_STAT to be valid. This way is needed to access most of FCCU regs.

I suppose MCU is in SAFE mode. It would be needed to investigate a reason.

Dear David,

I´m writing a FlexRay driver for the MPC5675K and I´m getting so crazy that in same moment I changed the ME.MER.R = 0x0000003D to ME.MER.R = 0x0000001D.

After revising my code and yours I found the problem.... 

Thanks a lot for the fast response and great code!!!!

‎11-12-2014 02:10 AM