FRDM-MCXN947 - Shield PCB Design Template

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FRDM-MCXN947 - Shield PCB Design Template

FRDM-MCXN947 - Shield PCB Design Template

FRDM-MCXN947 - Shield PCB Design Template


With the release of the FRDM-MCXN947 development board,   the community is offering an open-source PCB template for creating a custom "shield".   The shield template has a simple schematic with pin headers and netlabels to quickly identify the IO you need from the MCXN947. The PCB has the mechanical footprint to mate to the FRDM MCXN947 along with a schematic that has matching net labels.




The basics have been taken care of so you can quickly prototype a design with your own “secret” sauce using the copious number of peripherals on the MCXN947. Design files are available in the popular open-source KiCad and Altium Designer formats.


You can find the latest version on github:


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Last update:
‎02-11-2024 02:03 PM
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