uart config when using putty in MKV46F256VLL16

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uart config when using putty in MKV46F256VLL16

Contributor III


I'm running an example code called "uart_polling". I have changed the baud rate to 9600, and have let the other part of the code unchanged. I'm using putty to communicate with the board. According to the function, the following needs to be printed.

"Uart polling example\r\nBoard will send back received characters\r\n"

but I see nothing on the port. I have also checked the COM port config and it seems fine. I'm using the tower evaluation board - TWR-KV46F150M. Is there a need to change the jumper setting to get the uart value?

Capture.PNG Capture.PNG

I have changed the UART pins to GPIOD7/TXD0 and GPIOD6/RXD0 and changed the jumper cable to connect pin 2 and 3 on both J505 and J506. Yet, I don't see any value on the putty.

Where am I going wrong? Help me out.

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10 返答(返信)

Contributor III

Hi @Alexis_A 

It is an example program called "uart_polling". The pins used are,

PORTE0 (pin 1) is configured as UART1_TX

PORTE1 (pin 2) is configured as UART1_RX

as mentioned in the program. The module I'm trying to configure is UART. I haven't done any other change except for the baud rate. Under the quick settings, I have changed the console to UART console. According to the document the program comes with, I have changed the jumper connections - "To use UART on board, make sure that J505-3 connects to J505-4, J506-3 connects to J506-4"


Even with all this, I don't see any output on my putty screen. Where am I going wrong?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @soaring_sun

If you're running the example as it is with the proper jumper configuration it should work. Be sure that in putty you're selecting the proper COM port and the UART configuration is properly set (parity, bit-width, stop bit).

Also, could you try using a USB2Ser or an oscilloscope to check if in the PTE0/PTE1 there's some signal?

Best Regards,

Alexis Andalon

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Contributor III

Hi, @Alexis_A There was some jumper setting issue. When I rebooted the program it worked fine for me. So, I went ahead to make the changes to the pin setting. Instead of using the PTE0 and PTE1, I'm using PTE16 and PTE17 since both are uart1 tx and rx pins. Apart from this change, I haven't touched the example code. But now, with this new settings, I'm not able to see any output.

Is it mandatory that I need to use only PTE0 and PTE1 pins?




Further, I created a new program and tried recreating the same program with  PTE0 and PTE1 pins using config tools. But I'm not able to access that pin. Only UART0 is available. Why is that?

Screenshot (22).png

Ignoring that, I went ahead to use UART0 pins, yet I don't see any output on the terminal window or on the putty screen. How can I eliminate this error?


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Contributor III

So, I found answers to half of the questions I asked before. PTE0 and PTE1 is only to be used for this eval board since they are the pins that are connected to the uart. Similarly if UART0 is to be used then, PTD6 and PTD7 does the trick. During this time, the jumper connection has to be connected to pin2&3 in both J505 and J506 pins in the eval board.

That leaves me with one question as to why I cannot use config tools and regenerate the example program on my own. Why is there an error when using UART1 in my own program? What should I do to eliminate it?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @soaring_sun,

Which error is the one that you mention using the config tools? I tried to enable both UARTs using the pins PTD6/PTD7 and PTE16/PTE17. I'm using the latest SDK (2.8.0) and the latest IDE version (11.3.0).



Best Regards,

Alexis Andalon




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Contributor III

Hi @Alexis_A 

I have attached the pictures where I'm having problems. It has not yet been resolved for me.Screenshot (22).png



It states: There are errors in the configuration, generated source code might not be completed.

Any pin that is connected to UART1 shows this error when configured. UART0 works fine for me. Why not UART1?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @soaring_sun,

That's strange, I didn't see this error while configuring the UART peripheral. Could you try updating the IDE to the latest version (11.3.0)?

Best Regards,

Alexis Andalon

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Contributor III

Hi @Alexis_A 

I have tried to update and install the newest software IDE, but the site says that there are no new updates. Yet, I have updated the available software just to be sure. But I still have the same problem.

I have followed the following steps for new installation.

help -> install new software -> selected MCUXpresso IDE update site

But all the versions are 11.1


I have also tried to update the config tools following the same path.

help -> install new software -> MCUXPresso Config Tools 

But there are no updates.available


When I choose check for updates, this is what is says.


Right now, I'm running my IDE with a version of 11.2.1. And this hasn't solved my usage of UART1

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Senior Contributor V

You cannot update the IDE. You have to download and install the latest version (which is v11.3). The update mechanism is only used for patches, not new versions.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @soaring_sun,

Would be possible to share the pin configuration and module configuration?

Best Regards,
Alexis Andalon

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