How to use P&E Micro with MCUXpresso and LPC54608

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How to use P&E Micro with MCUXpresso and LPC54608

Contributor III

I'm trying to use a P&E Micro Multilink Universal probe with MCUXpresso and the LPC54608 on an OM13092 demo board.  The IDE finds the probe and installed updates to the IDE and firmware to the probe.  When I try to debug, I get a message "The hardware interface you are using does not support NXP processors".  What am I missing here?

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Contributor II

Hi Rick,

Our USB Multilink Universal RevA is quiet an older interface and does not have the firmware support required to support LPC line of NXP devices. To work with LPC devices one needs to have USB Multilink Universal RevC-D or USB Multilink Universal FX RevB or higher.

Please contact me off-line via: zahar "dot" raskin "at" pemicro "dot" com and I will help you switch over to an interface that will allow you to debug your LPC54608 device.

Best Regards,


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