Hello everyone,
I'm encountering an error while attempting to build the MQX project "mqx_v5" on MCUxpresso. Specifically, the error arises when building either "shell_imxrt1024_evk" or "mfs_imxrt1024_evk" (while "psp_imxrt1024_evk" and "bsp_imxrt1024_evk" builds succeed).
The error message reads:
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'CDT Builder' on project 'shell_imxrt1024_evk'.
Illegal char <:> at index 73: C:\nxp\mqx_v5_rt1024_mcux_r2\shell\build\mcux\shell_imxrt1024_evk\Debug\C:/nxp/mqx_v5_rt1024_mcux_r2/shell/build/mcux/shell_imxrt1024_evk/../../../../lib/imxrt1170_evk_m7.gcc_mcux/debug/shell/libshell_archiver.args
I've attempted the build on both MCUxpresso 11.9.0 and 11.9.1. Most of my team members encounter this issue, except for one who managed to build the project successfully on 11.9.0. Consequently, we suspect the problem might be related to MCUxpresso rather than the MQX project itself.
Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
Please attach the file "libshell_archiver.args". Is it some file you created or it's a file generated by the IDE? Is the project using the Managed Linker script mechanism?
Sorry, I did not pay too much attention to the artifact name and I've just realized that you're actually building a static library... So no managed linker script involved.
What I suspect is that the number of object files put in the library are too many and this forces the IDE to use response files behind the scene, thus the ".args" file referred in the error message. The IDE uses response files on Windows when the command that needs to be executed exceeds the 32K limit of Windows API.
What you can check is the actual "Artifact name" in the "Build Artifact" tab, under project's build settings. If you're using an absolute path there, this might be the root cause. As a workaround, you can make that path relative. Please confirm.
In the meantime, I'll also check the code and, if needed, I'll try to squeeze the fix in the upcoming IDE v11.10.0.