Build Configuration-Specific MCU Settings

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Build Configuration-Specific MCU Settings

Contributor V

I'm using MCUXpresso 11.1.0. How can I create MCU Settings specific to a build configuration? I want to have separate memory maps for my factory and download images. For other C/C++ Build pages, except Logging, I can have settings specific to each build configuration. It seems that there is only one possible memory mapping, and I would rather not have to create a parallel project that differs only by mapping, but is that the only way to accomplish this?

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2 Replies

Contributor V

I'm trying the suggested approach of creating a new project where the source files are links to the original project. It's not as clean and simple as the instructions would make it appear.

So far, I've also had to fix the include paths in the new project to refer to the original project, then modify the MCU C Compiler/Dialect/Language Standard and MCU C Compiler.Architecture/Floating point to match the original project's settings. I'm not done, but it looks like I have to get a screen shot of every one of the original project's settings, other than the memory map, and make the new project's settings either match or take into consideration the original project's filepaths.

It's probably simpler and less risky to just change the original project's memory map for running from start of flash or an offset. Unfortunately, that statement is an oversimplification, as there are a half-dozen memory sections that change. Even so, it's definitely more straight-forward.

NOTE: I just finished the process of creating, configuring, and testing the linked project. In addition to the above cautions about checking EVERY setting, one must keep the original project open in order to work with the linked project, at least for building it.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Sorry, you cannot directly achieve what you are trying to do. For more details, including alternative ways to approach this, please see : 


MCUXpresso IDE Support

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