We are pleased to announce that MCUXpresso IDE v11.9.0 (build 2144) is now available. This is a major new version of the IDE and contains new features, enhancements and bug fixes over the previous versions, including latest announced MCUXpresso IDE v11.8.1.
To download the installers for all platforms, please login to our download site via:
Additional information can be found in the updated User Guide and other documentation, which can be accessed from the built in help system available via IDE's Help menu and in PDF form from within the installation directory.
To receive notifications about future releases, please follow: MCUXpresso IDE - Release History
Upgraded: Eclipse version to 2023.06 (Eclipse Platform 4.28.0 / CDT 11.2.0).
Upgraded: MCUXpresso IDE integrated with OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-17.0.7+7.
Upgraded: GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain to version 12.3.Rel1.
Note. Debugging info is enforced to DWARF version 4 ("-gdwarf-4").
Upgraded: ARM CMSIS-Pack Eclipse Plug-ins 2.9.0.
Upgraded: Newer SEGGER J-Link software (v7.94b).
Upgraded: Newer PEmicro plugin (v5.7.6).
Upgraded: Version v15 of MCUXpresso Config Tools.
Added: Initial support for MCXN2xx devices and FRDM-MCXN236 board.
Feature: [MCXN9xx] Update debug support for A1 silicon.
Feature: [App Code Hub] The IDE now offers views and wizards that allow users to import projects by directly interacting with Application Code Hub website. Feature is accessible through the File -> Import -> Application Code Hub wizard, the dedicated Quickstart link, by opening the view using Window -> Show View -> Other -> Application Code Hub, or by using Help -> Additional Resources -> Application Code Hub menu entry.
Feature: [SDK Integration] Synchronization with SDK v2.15.abc and manifest schema version 3.14.
Feature: [SDK Integration] Support complex dependencies for board, core, device, toolchain, compiler.
Feature: [SDK Integration] Support new "template" type of SDK component containing predefined code snippets, visible to users in the UI of new project wizard and component manager to allow users to add the files with the snippets into projects.
Also, added CLI support for this type by "use.all.templates" property for the "example.build" and "project.build" commands. By default, the option is set to false, so no template source is
added to the project.
Feature: [SDK Integration] Existing Import Remote SDK Git repository flow improved - a wizard is now used to clone and import the SDK.
Feature: [SDK Integration] Automatic import of plugin SDKs from previous IDEs versions when upgrading to newer version.
Feature: [SDK Integration] Add "change.sdk.roots" command in CLI mode that allows updating the built-in SDK search locations.
Feature: [RT1160/RT1170/RT1020] Update flashloaders to work with non-default dummy cycle values.
Feature: LinkServer debug solution is now installed by the MCUXpresso IDE installer as a separate tool and support files from the IDE that were LinkServer-specific are now part of the actual LinkServer package. The IDE implicitly uses the automatically installed LinkServer but a custom LinkServer can be configured using the Preferences page. A symbolic link to the installed LinkServer is also created inside the IDE layout (see
Improvement: [IDE] Make Welcome page theme-aware and create content for dark theme.
Improvement: [IDE] Speed-up automatic generation of Makefiles.
Improvement: [Windows installer] Disabled maximum path length limitation.
Improvement: [Windows installer] Install J-Link USB drivers on Windows (starting with J-Link V7.92l installer, drivers are no longer installed by default)
Improvement: [SDK Integration] Reduced GitHub SDK loading time when starting IDE.
Improvement: [NPW/Manage SDK Components] Optimized component selection, minimizing time and eliminating freezes when selecting several components.
Improvement: [NPW] Performance improvements when changing core selection.
Fixed: [IDE] Too many identical confirmation windows appear if a required (by project) SDK is not installed.
Fixed: [IDE] J-Link RAM debug sessions fail to set PC and SP correctly.
Fixed: [IDE / Toolchain integration] The IDE automatically switches to using response files inside the generated linker command, for command lines exceeding 32K in length. Behavior is specific to Windows hosts, where there's a 32K length limit for a command line.
Fixed: [IDE / Toolchain integration] Archiver ends with error when lots of object files are passed to the tool. IDE now passes object files through response files when command line exceeds 32K in length.
Fixed: [SDK Integration] Recreating or uninstalling a GitHub SDK deletes the manifest file from the repository and breaks the SDK.
Fixed: [NPW] Link section memory range used by secondary Multicore project specified during project creation is not reflected in final project settings.
Fixed: [RT1180 B0] Semihosting PRINTF does not work properly with LinkServer when heap is located in cacheable memory.
Fixed: [RT1180 B0] Connect script leaves DMA4 controller with error status indication.