MCUXpresso IDE v11.8.0 Now Available

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MCUXpresso IDE v11.8.0 Now Available

MCUXpresso IDE v11.8.0 Now Available

We are pleased to announce that MCUXpresso IDE v11.8.0 (build 1165) is now available. This is  a major new version of the IDE and contains new features, enhancements and bug fixes over the previous versions, including latest announced MCUXpresso IDE v11.7.1.


Installer Downloads 

To download the installers for all platforms, please login to our download site via: 



Additional information can be found in the updated User Guide and other documentation, which can be accessed from the built in help system available via IDE's Help menu and in PDF form from within the installation directory.


Notification of future releases 

To receive notifications about future releases, please follow: MCUXpresso IDE - Release History 


Summary of Changes - version 11.8.0 - August 2023

  • Upgraded: Eclipse version to 2022.12 (Eclipse Platform 4.26.0 / CDT 11.0.0).
  • Upgraded: MCUXpresso IDE integrated with OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-17.0.5+8.
  • Upgraded: GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain to version 12.2.Rel1.
  • Upgraded: Version v14 of MCUXpresso Config Tools.
  • Upgraded: ARM CMSIS-Pack Eclipse Plug-ins 2.8.0.
  • Upgraded: Newer SEGGER J-Link software (v7.88m).
  • Upgraded: Newer PEmicro plugin (v5.6.7).
  • Synchronization with SDK v2.14.x.
  • Added support for MCXN9xx devices.
  • Added support for RW61x devices.
  • Feature: New IDE build for Mac with native Apple silicon support.
    See download section for the new product.
  • Feature: LinkServer LPC-Link2 firmware now softloaded as v5.460 which offers support for powering certain RT1xxx EVK boards (which incorporate on-board debug probes based on LPC-Link2 hardware) through the USB debug connection.
  • Feature: [Open-CMSIS-Pack] Extended integration with ARM CMSIS-Pack Eclipse Plug-ins.  Now adding a new Open-CMSIS-Pack component is managed by ARM CMSIS-Pack Eclipse Plug-in. This brings support for:
    • components dependency.
    • multiple component selection.
    • automatically check dependencies in the new multiple component selection view.
    • copy configuration and template files to project.

Note. If a project was created with the previous version of Open-CMSIS-Pack support, you'll be asked to remove or to keep the added components. Choosing "keep" involves preserving sources only, not the links with Open-CMSIS-Pack Manager. If you need to have them managed by ARM CMSIS-Pack Eclipse Plug-in (for the above mentioned available features) please choose "remove" and add them back.

  • Feature: Added support for selecting library type in SDK CLI. Now redlib, newlib, newlib_nano can be selected as options when generating a project. Check MCUXpresso_IDE_Command_Line_User_Guide.pdf for details.
  • Improvement: [SDK Integration] Allow the possibility to switch a project from one MCU device to another.
  • Improvement: [SDK Integration] Reduced time required to import examples from zipped SDKs.
  • Improvement: [SDK Integration] Optimize initial SDK GitHub cloning time by deferring cloning of examples until actually needed.
  • Improvement: [Debugger] Discover Probes dialog warns if using MCU-Link probes running firmware which is incompatible with the current IDE version.
  • Improvement: [Debugger] Add possibility to disable auto-debug of secondary project based on target name in Debug Options preferences.
  • Improvement: [RTOS] Add preferences to control enablement of RTOS TAD logging consoles. This prevents showing up unwanted or not used consoles. Go to Preferences -> MCUXpresso IDE -> RTOS TAD -> (Desired) RTOS -> Logging configuration and select or unselect "Create logging console and log messages from TAD plugin".
  • Improvement: [SWO] Error caused by input in the ITM console now should also be displayed inside the console.
  • Improvement: [IDE][Quickstart Panel] Added link to executable import wizard in Quickstart Panel.
  • Improvement: [IDE] Add 'bash' shell executable in buildtools/bin folder on Windows.
  • Improvement: [Installer] Support silent installation for Linux installers (deb.bin packages). This can be executed using: <install_package>.deb.bin -- --acceptLicense.
  • Fixed: [SDK Integration] Unexpected disk space consumption at "Refresh" operation.
  • Fixed: [SDK Integration] Error reported when creating a project from GitHub SDK with a board selection from a standalone SDK.
  • Fixed: [SDK Integration] Include Paths list is duplicated after refreshing SDK components.
  • Fixed: [SDK Integration] New Project Wizard incorrectly computes anyOf dependency for multi core component.
  • Fixed: [SDK Integration] C startup file is incorrectly added in C++ project after refreshing SDK components.
  • Fixed: [SDK Integration] App SW Packs fail to import on IDE starting with IDE v11.7.0 and SDK v2.12 and v2.13.
  • Fixed: [SDK Integration] Exception error is displayed when user scrolls in component list from SDK Wizard window.
  • Fixed: [SDK Integration] Cloning more than one GitHub SDK repository makes the second repository unusable.
  • Fixed: [SDK Integration] Deselecting components with dependencies doesn't display warnings.
  • Fixed: [SDK Integration] Unable to deactivate an already installed Git SDK repository from Installed SDKs view.
  • Fixed: [SDK Integration] Build error is obtained when some specific components (serial_manager_*) are changed from SDK Management -> Manage SDK Components view.
  • Fixed: [SDK Integration] Progress is incorrectly reported in NPW and SDK Import Wizard.
  • Fixed: [SDK Integration] Importing projects may introduce wrong dependencies between SDK components which result in build failure.
  • Fixed: [Toolchain integration] Building some projects may be shown as failed due to linker warnings misinterpreted as errors.
  • Fixed: [Toolchain Integration] Project is always rebuilt after restarting the IDE.
  • Fixed: [Executable Importer] Cannot use Binary Utilities with the imported ELF.
  • Fixed: [Managed Linker Script] Sometimes .bss sections are unexpectedly part of the output bin/s19 images. These are now declared as NOLOAD in the linker scripts.
  • Fixed: [Flash Programmer] KW45B41Z board should not have Resurrect locked Kinetis device option.
  • Fixed: [Flash Programmer] Flash tool not writing .flash_config section from ELF.
  • Fixed: [Debug][LPC55S36 A1] Restart does not work.
  • Fixed: [Debug] Null pointer exception when creating new launch config for LinkServer.
  • Fixed: [Debug] Broken SWO functionality on non LPC-Link2/MCULink probes (Arm ULINKplus).
  • Fixed: [Debug][Multicore] "Step Return All Debug sessions" throws error while in source code.
  • Fixed: [Debug][ARMv6-M] The default VECTRESET set for flash reset has no effect since it is not supported for ARMv6-M MCUs. Use SOFT reset instead.
  • Fixed: [Debug][PEmicro & LinkServer] GUI Flash Tool fields are pre-filled with wrong information for PEmicro when a debug launch is previously created, or are not implemented when using LinkServer debug probes.
  • Fixed: [Debug][PEmicro] TrustZone projects cannot be debugged because non-secure image is not programmed in flash.
  • Fixed: [Debug][LinkServer] Semihosting operations fail while debugger is detached and may not recover when re-attaching.
  • Fixed: [Debug][LinkServer] Various semihosting operations fail when using LinkServer debug probe.
  • Fixed: [Debug][LinkServer][SWO] Support for SWO trace using CMSIS-DAP1.1 SWO probes is broken.
  • Fixed: [Debug][LinkServer] Debug session launch is very slow on LinkServer compared to other probes on some Windows PCs.
  • Fixed: [Debug][Linkserver] Cannot boot LPC-Link1 when a LPC-Link2 probe configured for DFU booting is also present.
  • Fixed: [Energy Measurement] View should not allow attaching to debug session on targets with no measurement support.
  • Fixed: [Enery Measurement] Error might be encountered when successively connecting various probes and using "Out of debug" mode.
  • Fixed: [FreeRTOS] Exception occasionally encountered when resuming or pausing the debug session of a FreeRTOS project with non-stop GDB option disabled and Peripherals Window open.
  • Fixed: [FreeRTOS] In 'freertos_hello' example application, 'hello' task is shown as "Running" even before having the scheduler running.
  • Fixed: [SWO] When SWO Counters view is resumed, also the SWO Data view is resumed automatically.
  • Fixed: [IDE] IDE Linker File Parser fails for question mark operator.
  • Fixed: [IDE] Update icons to address some problems on dark theme and high DPI (macOS Retina) displays.


Known issues 

  • Please follow the KnownIssues.txt file from installation layout for a detailed list.
  • Note. Additional issues that will be found post-release will be added in an online version also aiming to describe workarounds when available


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Error Message
We are unable to grant your request because our export control system has identified your request as a potentially non-compliant export.

Our export control system is configured according to the regulations of the U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) and the export classification of the product you are attempting to access.

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‎08-01-2023 01:04 PM