MCUXpresso LPC824 initialization order when using PINT

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MCUXpresso LPC824 initialization order when using PINT

347 次查看
Contributor I


After configuring an input pin to trigger an interrupt using the PINT config tool, GPIO outputs don't work properly.  I have found that if the order of initialization in main() is modified such that BOARD_InitBootPins() is called after BOARD_InitBootPeripherals(), the problem is resolved.

Apparently, PINT configuration is altering the GPIO pins configuration setup in BOARD_InitBootPins() such that outputs no longer function properly.


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @dropTarget,

Which SDK and MCUXpresso IDE version are you using? Could you please try it with the newest versions (v2.14.0 and v11.8.0 respectively) for the LPC824?

The example pint_pin_interrupt uses the ConfigTools' functions as PINT_Init() and PINT_PinInterruptConfig() after BOARD_InitBootPins(). Could you please take a look at?

Best regards, Raul.

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