Why does the MEX file bound to an EWARM project always need internet access?

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Why does the MEX file bound to an EWARM project always need internet access?

Senior Contributor I


I have got the same error message as in How to repair MCUXpresso Config Tools? again. After trying different stuff on my PC a co-worker opened the same MEX file on his computer and it worked without any error message. While booting the application I realized that on his MCUXpresso Config Tool boot screen some messages like "Downloading component...." where shown which were not shown on my PC.

After adding the correct proxy server in my tools.ini file I also got the "Downloading component..." messages and the tool opened the MEX file without any error message.

Additionally I would like to report that the the error message which I showed in my linked post ("Updating status of the generated files has encountered a problem.") was alway hidden behind the "Config Tools Overview" window and therefore not visible without moving the overview window > The error window should be on top of every other window.

Furthermore you can never click on the Details >> button because the "Config Tools Overview" window is the active one (you can not change focus) and if you close the "Config Tools Overview" window the error message gets automatically closed too.

I would suggest that the tool checks for missing components when a file is opened and if there is no internet access shows an error message that the components are missing and that it requires an internet connection to download the missing files - this would have been a lot more helpful to me than the message "Updating status of the generated files has encountered a problem.". Also if this kind of error occurs and you click the "Update Code" button MCUXpresso Config Tools kind of hangs for a while before it opens the corresponding window with "???" as file status.

After verifying that I can open the MEX file now I removed the proxy settings again and restarted MCUXpresso Config Tools --> The same error message will be shown again and I can not update the source files but the missing components should have been downloaded because I could open the files with correct proxy settings.

Adding the proxy settings solved the problem again.

What I do not understand is the following:

The MEX file I tried to open above is used with an IAR EWARM project. If there is no internet connection I get the error messages above.

If I now copy the MEX file to my desktop the connection to the IAR EWARM project is lost and I can open and update/create new source code files without any internet connection or error message.


Everything I explained above also happens with the dev_cdc_vcom_bm SDK USB example project so our project should not be relevant.

The used MCUXpresso Config Tools Version is Rev. 7.0.1 for Windows, downloaded today from the website (.EXE200728 KBMCUXPRESSO-CT-WIN64-V7.0.1).

Do you have any explanation why the IAR EWARM project bound MEX file needs an internet connection even if the needed components should already have been downloaded?

Kind regards,


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10 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Stefan,

you have more comments and I'd like to solve the one by one, not all at once, as the thread would diverge.


After verifying that I can open the MEX file now I removed the proxy settings again and restarted MCUXpresso Config Tools --> The same error message will be shown again and I can not update the source files but the missing components should have been downloaded because I could open the files with correct proxy settings.
Adding the proxy settings solved the problem again.

1. You say that Peripheral components were downloaded, you were able to edit MEX, include the Peripherals tool?
2. You just disable the "proxy" configuration, restart the tool
3. Now you get some error dialog?

Could you please attach the <workspace>/.metadata/.log file ?


If I now copy the MEX file to my desktop the connection to the IAR EWARM project is lost and I can open and update/create new source code files without any internet connection or error message.

Could you please copy the MEX file on the problematic computer to other directory not related to IAR and open it? Do you still have the problem or not?


Do you have any explanation why the IAR EWARM project bound MEX file needs an internet connection even if the needed components should already have been downloaded?

The connection is not needed all the time and every time. During creation/opening the configuration the tool just checks over the internet, if the data is up-to-date. If data is already downloaded, nothing is updated and it continues, so it should not be related to your problem - I mean the update dialog.

Can you open the MEX file from IAR project when the IAR workbench is closed? Do you have the error dialog in this case?

Thank you and regards,

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Senior Contributor I

Hello Libor,


Yes I can enable the peripherals tool and use it but as soon as I want to update the source code it won't work.

Yes if I open the program now and the "Config Tools Overview" window gets opened I get the error dialog.

Sometimes it does not open the "Config Tools Overview" and then the error dialog will not be shown too but I can still not update the source code.

The log file from today is attached to this post.


If I copy the MEX file to another directory I do not have the problem. I just copied the MEX file from dev_cdc_vcom_lite_bm to its parent directory. It looks like it does not matter where I copy it as long as there is no connection to the IAR project (workbench closed). It also works if I copy it to the desktop.


I still get the error message if IAR workbench is closed.

Kind regards,


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Stefan,

Thank you for reporting the issue. I'm trying to reproduce your issue with Update Code. Could you provide more details how to reproduce it:

1. What SDK package are you using? Especially what board and processor?

2, How did you create MEX configuration in Config Tools - in File | New dialog, which option did you use?

3, What is full path where IAR project and MEX file are located?

4, Are the project source files stored on local disk/network disk/something special?

5, Could you provide your MEX configuration and IAR project. (I do not need any source code)




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Senior Contributor I

Hello Marek,

1. I am using SDK_2.7.0_MIMXRT1021xxxxx and IMXRT1020 EVK Rev B1

2. I opened MCUXpresso and selected "Create a new configuration based on an SDK example or hello world project" and cloned the dev_cdc_vcom_bm example project.

3. C:\Users\stefan.mitterhauser\Desktop\McuTestProjekte\dev_cdc_vcom_bm

4. The files are located on local disk, nothing special.

5. I attached the project but the only thing I did was cloning the example project (without proxy configuration) and it can not generate source file status after creating the project - I did not change anything.

Kind regards,


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Stefan,

it is really weird.

  1. could you also attach the c:\Users\<your_user>\.nxp\swtools.log ?
  2. I can see "-showlocation" in the workspace log.
    1. do you launch tools.exe or eclipsec.exe ?  (tools.exe must be used)
    2. could you attach both versions of tools.ini (changing sensitive information to ABCD if there's such information) - with and without the proxy settings?
  3. please attach content of "Help | About | Details " dialog
  4. please confirm if you delete any downloaded Config Tools data between these "tests"



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Senior Contributor I

Hello Libor,

1. I have attached the file.

2. I have two ways of opening Config Tools. First is pressing the windows key and then typing "Mcu " and opening the shown link. The link calls "C:\nxp\MCUX_CFG_v7\bin\tools.exe -showlocation". The second way is by double clicking on a MEX file which is bound to tools.exe.

I attached the tools.ini files.

3. This file includes a lot of information about the used system and I do not want to check the complete file. Is there a way to send it to you without publishing it on the internet or can you specify which parts are necessary?

4. I did not delete any data between the tests.

Kind regards,


0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Stefan,

1) no evident clue, unfortunately, except the application was not able to connect to internet

2, 4) it seems there are two problems with both INI files, which might affect the behavior, as it is the only change you did between two versions.

without proxy:

it is missing these properties, which defines location of settings (e.g. from previous tool installations), which might affect the tool behavior. Please put these entries back try to clone and generate code again.


-Dcom.nxp.product.name=MCUXpresso Configuration Tools

with proxy:

is has doubled property entry. Probably harmless, still would be good to remove the second occurrence.


3) would be interesting to have two copies - one from execution with proxy INI and second without proxy INI from the beginning 2-3 pages, ending somewhere here  (few lines after *** System properties:)




0 Kudos

Senior Contributor I

Hello Libor,

3) I compared the details print of both versions and the differences between the files are:

  • Creation time
  • eclipse.startTime
  • proxy settings
  • org.osgi.framework.uuid

Everything else is exactly the same.

After opening the configuration with proxy settings once and adding


-Dcom.nxp.product.name=MCUXpresso Configuration Tools

to the file without proxy settings I can successfully open the existing MEX file without internet connection.

Cloning the example without internet access still results in the mentioned source update error.

I do not want to spend more time to look for this error we will always use the tool with proxy settings.

Thank you for your help,


0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Stefan,

thank you for the additional info for the Update Code problem. I still did not reproduce it:

* I have extracted the project from the ZIP file into C:\Users\stefan.mitterhauser\Desktop\McuTestProjekte\dev_cdc_vcom_bm, open MEX file and I'm able to update code.

* Then I downloaded SDK_2.7.0_MIMXRT1021xxxxx, cloned the same example into C:\Users\stefan.mitterhauser\Desktop\McuTestProjekte\dev_cdc_vcom_bm and I'm able to update code.

* I did not launched IAR.

* I have Windows 10 on my computer

* I have also tried to update code in case the computer is disconnected from network (with cached data for the processor)

Can you please confirm, this is a way how you reproduced it?



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Senior Contributor I

Hello Marek,

thank you for trying to reproduce it.

Your first two steps only work for me if I set correct Proxy Settings in my tools.ini file. I did not launch IAR and I am working on Windows 10.

Regarding your last step:

  •  Computer is connected to internet via proxy. I removed proxy settings from tools.ini -> could not update source files
  •  I now disabled all ethernet connections in Windows Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections so that the computer has no active internet connection anymore. After this step the code updated works (with and without proxy settings in tools.ini).
  •  If I now enable all ethernet connection to the network again without any proxy settings in tools.ini and the computer has internet access I can not update source files again.

Kind regards,


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