Introducing Kinetis Bootloader v2

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Introducing Kinetis Bootloader v2

Introducing Kinetis Bootloader v2

Kinetis Bootloader(KBOOT) v2 is now available on webpage. Download the KBOOT v2 package today to jump start your flash programming with Kinetis MCUs.


What's new in Kinetis Bootloader v2

The Kinetis Bootloader v2 is a major update to Kinetis Bootloader v1, a configurable and robust flash programming utility. KBOOT v2 shares system startup, header files and peripheral drivers with Kinetis SDK v2. Additionally, KBOOT v2 includes more reference examples along with corresponding user's guides. KBOOT v2 has a more comprehensive tool set, which includes an enhanced flash GUI tool, a manufacturing tool and an encryption tool.


Peripheral Drivers from KSDK v2

KBOOT v2 incorporates the simplified peripheral drivers in KSDK v2. As a benefit, it is now easier to integrate your KSDK v2 based application with Kinetis Bootloader. Nonetheless, the packet-based communication protocol on top of the low-level peripheral drivers is compatible between KBOOT v1 and v2.


USB Device MSC and External QuadSPI Flash

Drag-and-drop flash programming is now available in KBOOT v2 supported by an USB device MSC bootloader. KBOOT v2 is also capable of programming an external NOR flash via the QuadSPI interface and jumping to the application, which resides in the external flash. Check QuadSPI User's Guide for demo information.


Programming Encrypted Image (.sb file)

Encryption support in KBOOT K80 Tools Package (released in Oct 2015) is rolled into KBOOT v2 and extended to more platforms. Check Kinetis Elftosb User's Guide on how to generate a encrypted .sb image.


Embedded Host Demo

KBOOT v2 adds an Embedded Host demo that uses the TWR-K65F180M as the host platform to communicate over I2C, SPI, UART and CAN interfaces with Kinetis Bootloader running on a target platform. KBOOT v2 has a comprehensive set of demos on communication over all serial interfaces supported. Check Embedded Host User's Guide for demo information.


Kinetis Flash Tool and Manufacturing Tool

KBOOT v2 introduces the Kinetis Flash Tool, an enhanced GUI tool regenerating Kinetis Updater. The graphic interface has been redesigned for easy flash operation - program, erase and verify - over UART and USB, In addition, Kinetis Flash Tool has the capability to configure the bootloader and generate a C code file that can be integrated in your project. Manufacturing Tool now to enable programming up to 4 devices simultaneously. On more information about the Flash Tool and Manufacturing Tool, check Kinetis Flash Tool User's Guide and Manufacturing Tool v2.0 for Kinetis Bootloader User's Guide.


Supported Devices

KBOOT v2 supports all existing devices in KBOOT v1 and more beyond -

  • FRDM-K64F and TWR-K64F120M
  • FRDM-K22F and TWR-K22F120M
  • FRDM-K66F and TWR-K65F180M
  • FRDM-K82F and TWR-K80F150M
  • TWR-K24F120M
  • FRDM-KL25Z and TWR-KL25Z48M
  • FRDM-KL82Z and TWR-KL82Z72M
  • FRDM-KL28Z and TWR-KL28Z
  • FRDM-KV11Z and TWR-KV11Z128M
  • FRDM-KV31F and TWR-KV31F120M
  • TWR-KV46F150M
  • TWR-KV58F220M
  • MAPS-KS22F256

Note: FRDM-KL28Z and TWR-KL28Z haven't been launched to market yet, status to be updated soon.


Toolchain Support

  • Kinetis Design Studio v3.2.0
  • IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM v7.50.1
  • Keil MDK v5.18
标签 (1)

Hello Shengrong,

Thank for the sharing.

I have a question about the usage of KBOOT v2 .

I refer to the "Kinetis Bootloader Demo Application User's Guide" use the IAR bootloader , it can work well.

While , i use the KDS v3.2 build the "freedom_bootloader" project , then also refer to the User's guide to operate,

it can connect the PC successful,  while when update use application "led_demo_freedom_a000.bin", while it failed .

I test on FRDM-K64 board and FRDM-K22 board , the same result.

Am I miss something or there is  something wrong on the KDS project ?

Thank you very much!


Once again, no support for the KL26Z!

Is there a reason for this?

Hello John,

There is a simple KBOOT for kl26 : Kinetis Bootloader to Update Multiple Devices in a Network - for Cortex-M0+

It is simple to used and have the detail introduce .

Hope it helps


Thanks for this, but it was specifically a USB based bootloader that I

was after.

Kind regards,


I am having trouble updating my TWR-K65F180M to v2.0.  My board will now only be identified in bootloader mode.  I have tried resorting the default firmware using k20dx128_twr_k65f_if_0x8000.bin, but I'm still not having any luck.  Can you assist?

Thank you,


Hi Grant,

TWR-K65F180M has OpenSDA v2 bootloader, which assumes starting address 0x5000 of the firmware. As I checked NXP OpenSDA website, it has the same wrong version as yours.

I have reported this issue to the internal team and will get back to you when the correct firmware is available.



Thank you Roy,

How do I revert back to the original bootloader; the one that was on the board out of the box?  I have tried to reinstall the default bootloader listed here…

but it does not install properly.  Currently I have a completely nonfunctional board, which has stalled my development.

Thank you for your help,


Hi Grant,

You are right. As I mentioned above, the k20dx128_twr_k65f_if_0x8000.bin​ is not the correct firmware. That's why the installation was unsuccessful.

Before the correct firmware is available, you might want to install JLink v2 firmware on your board, available from JLink OpenSDA website. You should look for the OpenSDA V2 Bootloader as shown below.

Jlink Download.PNG

The Jlink V2 firmware supports Segger JLink debugging on KDS, IAR and Keil MDK and has virtual COM port, although it does not have the drag-n-drop MSD programming as the default version does.



Hi Grant,

The correct firmware has been posted on NXP OpenSDA website​. The new firmware starts at offset 0x5000 and should work well with the default bootloader.

Please check it out and hope this helps!


Thank you Roy.

I got a replacement board because there was an issue beyond the bootloader.  I am opting to not update the bootloader for now.  My project needs to move forward and I don't have time to fight a possible issue due to addressing issues.

Thank you again for your help, your responses were quick and applicable.


I'm using KDS v3.2 to build the freedom_bootloader project without modification for FRDM-K64F board.

The build process was successful and the binary file was generated.

It always has no response after the update process of user guide to update the bootloader by USB.

(hold the reset button, re-plug the USB cable to connect to my PC, and put the binary file into the folder)

Is there any configuration or something else I'm missing?

Karl - I just went through a long trial to get this working; for solution see this thread:

Roy, you wrote above: "Check Kinetis Elftosb User's Guide on how to generate a encrypted .sb image."

Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, this document does not explain how to generate an encrypted SB image, nor how to set up the security features of the Kinetis part (flash security).


Can you tell me where I can find this information, ideally with an example and clear explanations for the bootloader security configuration options?


Best Regards, Dave

Hi Dave,

It is quite easy to generate an encrypted SB image. No need to modify the command file. Just add "-k KeyFile" to the command line, and remove "-z". <KeyFile> is a text file containing the AES key. You can generate one with "-K" parameter.

BTW, to let bootloader parse the encrypted sb file, you also need to program the AES key into device's IFR field, and the device must support hardware decryption.

You can refer to the "Kinetis ROM bootloader" chapter in the device's reference manual about the hardware decryption support and IFR programming.

Best Regards,


Hi dianatorres‌,

   As you have mentioned the KBOOT supported devices has FRDM KV11Z in the list but when I navigate to Kinetis Bootloader|NXP , I cannot find this board. Does the bootloader still work for this device?

Thanks in advance


Why does this link not work anymore?

Almost all links on this page are broken... Are you going to fix it???

I just want to point out to anybody wondering what happened to KBOOT - it has been renamed 'MCU Bootloader'. You can still find the legacy KBOOT code on the MCU Bootloader downloads tab.

‎04-27-2016 02:37 PM