Hi, I am using LS2085 processor in which IIC2_SCL and SDHC_CD_B pins are multiplexed together. I want to use both of these interfaces IIC and well as SDHC.
SDHC application is for booting purpose while IIC2 is used for DDRs and retimers. My confusion is that will SDHC interface work without using SDHC_CD_B pin since
I am using it as IIC CLK line? I was also planning to use some GPIO to work as SDHC_CD pin, but I am not sure this will work because I am using SDHC for boot purpose
and GPIOs will not be detected before UBOOT.
If a GPIO pin is used as SDHC card detection signal, Card insertion status enable (CINSEN) and Card removal status enable (CRMSEN) interrupts should be masked.
If the LS2085 is configured for booting from SDHC, the SDHC_CD_B will be assigned to the SDHC not I2C controller.
Have a great day,