LS1046aRBD QSPI programming with Codewarrior

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LS1046aRBD QSPI programming with Codewarrior

Contributor IV


we have 2 LS1046ARDB on which we have put our own boot loaders.

I recently used the second board to test a TI PHY. At some point the board booted but the content of the QSPI flash was seen only as all Fs. Hence, impossible to erase/program the QSPI. Not clear why this happened since both boards have the same configuration. Anyway, we got a licence with the CW and wanted to see if we could program the flash. The switch are set for Hard-coded RCW.

Unhappily, erase fails and we only sees 0s from the command fl_dump 0 0x100. 

If you have any input on how we could reprogram the QPSI flash, please let us know?



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2 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

If you have installed CWARMv8, please follow C:\Freescale\CW4NET_v2020.06\CW_ARMv8\ARMv8\Help\PDF\ARMv8_Targeting_Manual, page 140, 8.6 Board Recovery to reprogram theLS1046ARDB QSPI Flash.

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Contributor IV

Hi @renaud 

Hello Renaud,


It seems like you are facing issues with erasing and programming the QSPI flash on your LS1046ARDB boards. To resolve this issue, please follow the steps below:


  1. First, ensure that the board is properly powered and all the connections are secure.
  2. Verify that the switches are set correctly for Hard-coded RCW. You can refer to the LS1046ARDB Reference Manual for the correct switch settings.
  3. Make sure that the Codewarrior is properly installed and configured for your board. You can follow the AN12090 Application Note for guidance on setting up and using Codewarrior with LS1046ARDB.
  4. Try to erase the QSPI flash using the Codewarrior command line interface (CLI) with the following command:


fl_erase 0 0 0x1000000 


If the erase operation is successful, you can proceed to program the QSPI flash using the following command:


fl_program 0 0 <path_to_your_binary_file> 


If the issue persists, it might be helpful to perform a hardware reset on the board and try the steps again.


I hope this helps you resolve the issue with erasing and programming the QSPI flash on your LS1046ARDB boards. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to ask.


Best regards,

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