How to put bl2, fip and itb (yocto tiny) onto a SD card from host machine using flex tool?

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How to put bl2, fip and itb (yocto tiny) onto a SD card from host machine using flex tool?

834 次查看
Contributor II



I have a FRWYLS1046A. I'm not able to setup a TFTP right now. I have built the two TFA binaries bl2 and fip. I have also built the yocto tiny itb. 

My question very simple, how do I put bl2, fip and itb on a SD card using the flex tool? Reading the LSDK manual just tells me this .. 

flex-installer -i auto -m ls1046afrwy -d /dev/sdb

That's not what I want. I want to put bld, fip and the yocto tiny itb on a sd card from my host machine (Ubuntu VM). Can you please provide some guidance on how to use the flex tool to do that. 

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754 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Have you tried CodeWarrior? CW can burn these images. You can refer to the user guide of CW for the specific steps.

Best regards
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789 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @devnull0,

In the attached file "SD write.txt" you will find a guide with the commands you can follow to install the files bl2.pbl, fip.bin and the file sdk_linux_<arch>_LS_tiny.itb.

Using the linux host with a USB device and the target (board)




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782 次查看
Contributor II

Hi @SebastianG ~
Instead of doing this on the dev board is there a solution for doing this from my host linux pc using the flex-install tool or even something like dd?

The reason I'm quite limited in options here is because our company doesn't allow usb sticks in the building. It's kind of weird because I can have sd card but they really don't like usb sticks. That's why I was hoping I could take the fip, bl2, itb and somehow write it all to a SD card using flex-installer or dd. Then I could change the dip switches on the frwy board to boot from sd, pop sd card into frwy board, and power on. This would be the most ideal solution.

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805 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @devnull0,

I would like to inform you that I'm working on your question, I will let you know as soon as I have an update.

Thank you so much for your patience



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