building problems + subclipse problem

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building problems + subclipse problem

946 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by tom84 on Wed Aug 01 00:46:56 MST 2012
Hello CodeRed,

I have two questions. The first is about the include paths, the second about a problem i have while installing subclipse.

First: I created a new folder in my project. I added in the project-properties
->includes the new folder. But the file from this folder was not found. It's a header file, which is included by a file in another folder under the project (which is included). If i change the properties of this folder, it builds fine. My question is: Why does it not work, if i include the path for the whole project? In my mind, all the files which are in folders included in the project should be found :confused:

Second: I want to install subclipse but it shows a message, that something is missing. I'm sorry i can't reproduce the error, because if i try to install subclipse now it shows a message "Duplicate location"! The first error appeared before second "Press Next" (was not possible, to press) and the "Accept the license and press [B]Finish[/B] " step.

Thanks and regards
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937 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Wed Aug 01 07:31:27 MST 2012
I'm sorry, but without the project, I really cannot tell what you have done wrong. If you create an example project, and clean before zipping, you should be able to post it to the forum.
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937 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by tom84 on Wed Aug 01 07:18:35 MST 2012
okay i willl try to make it clear like this:

I have one project. I want to have several folders in this project:
folder1: "debug" consists of debug.h and debug.c
folder2: "play" consits of play.h and play.c


now in "play.h" is the line #include "debug.h". And the Compilter says that this file could not be found!

BUT the project properties say in the Includes:
are both included.

Is it clear what my problem is?
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937 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Wed Aug 01 07:12:28 MST 2012
It is impossible to read the images you have posted - they are too small
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937 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by tom84 on Wed Aug 01 05:19:04 MST 2012
I am not allowed to upload the code but i think the screenshots make the problem clear!
problem1.jpg shows the structure:
my project: GreenPHY_LPC1758_FreeRTOS
the subfolders src/CLI/gpiotest

As can be seen the file "CLI.h" is in the folder CLI.
The file gpiotest.c (which needs "CLI.h" as can be seen on the right) is in the folder gpiotest, which is a subfodler of the folder CLI.

problem2.jpg show the properties of the project:
the folders like gpiotest, CLI ARE included but i get an error! WHY?

If i change the properties of the folder gpiotest it works. But if i need to change that with every new folder, for what are the project properties. This just does not make sense.
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937 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Wed Aug 01 05:08:19 MST 2012
Sorry, but that does not make sense. Please export a project the demonstrates the problem and post it to this thread.

Note: If you are running on Linux or Mac OS X, file/folder names are case-sensitive.
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937 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by tom84 on Wed Aug 01 05:07:00 MST 2012
Or have i to edit the include paths for ever folder/subfolder?
If this is the point, for what do i need the project properties?
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937 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by tom84 on Wed Aug 01 04:58:51 MST 2012
I think my question was not understood. In the project properties I included ALL folders i use.
But the files in the new folder (which is also included, in the project properties) are said: fatal error. No such file or directory ? Why?
I did the following:
1 - create new folder in the project
2 - project->properties -> C/C++ build -> settings -> Includes an add the new folder

files in this folder are not found!
Perhaps you understand now my problem
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937 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Wed Aug 01 04:46:58 MST 2012
You have to specifically name each folder that you want to be searched for header files. The compiler searches in the order in which you provide the header files. This is true for every compiler I have ever used.

Without knowing the error, I cannot tell you what you have done wrong. You can remove the duplicate location by editing the preference:
Install/Update->Available Software sites
and removing subclipse from the list.
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