Slow Build !

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Slow Build !

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Lobisomem on Thu Nov 19 10:44:56 MST 2015

I am using the folowing configuration:

- i7
- ssd kingstone
- 12GB DDR3
- Windows7 professional
- LPCXpresso v7.9.2_493

building LWIP takes over 2 minutes !

14:26:38 Build Finished (took 2m:16s.346ms)

It is taking 2 seconds to compile 1 file!  When I try to build my project with 16 .c files, with no more then 150 lines each, it takes nearly a minute!

My heap status (window -> preferences -> general -> show heap status) never reaches 200Mb. Yet, I put the folowing lines with no success:


No change! Still too slow to build.

so ... any ideias?

Thank you in advanced.
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14 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Lobisomem on Mon Nov 30 03:57:10 MST 2015

Here is what I did: I have an old notebook HD (5400 rpm) and I use it to install a new windows system.

Then I installed the LPCxpreso and tried to build. It run greatly! very fast build.

Then I intalled the avast (anti vurus). Still, the build is running fine ! Seems to me that the old system has something stalling the build.

I will keep on installing the thinks I use and checking the build speed. The moment I get slow build again, I post here to your apreciation.

Thank you all for the help !

Best Regards
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by lpcxpresso-support on Thu Nov 26 06:21:00 MST 2015
So I see you have a virus checker running - but as you have said you have tried turning this off, I assume this isn't the issue. Nothing else springs out from the information you have provided.

I would actually suggest that you try rebooting your PC, and then start LPCXpresso IDE again - with nothing else running. Do you still see slow builds?

On the assumption you don't, then try starting up other applications one at a time, and maybe this will highlight the trigger for your issue.

LPCXpresso Support
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Lobisomem on Wed Nov 25 09:50:27 MST 2015
Hi, Mate

I am not part of a windows domain !

Thank you for the reply!
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by 8473 on Wed Nov 25 05:56:06 MST 2015

we experienced such problems on a Windows-system which is part of a "remote" [VPN] Active-Directory with a high latency to the DC.
It shows that the MingW(?)-based GNU-utilities are very chatty when checking user's permissions and stuff..

Are you incidentally part of a Windows-Domain?
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Lobisomem on Wed Nov 25 04:57:24 MST 2015

I must say that at this time (time I build the info.txt), I had a vm machine running as well as several chrome tabs.

Thanks again !
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by lpcxpresso-support on Tue Nov 24 11:07:00 MST 2015
Please ...

With your main project selected, open a command prompt from within LPCXpresso IDE - as per

Now in that command prompt enter the following:

set > info.txt
tasklist >> info.txt
ipconfig/all >> info.txt

Next enter the commands ...
make --version > tools.txt
arm-none-eabi-gcc --version >> tools.txt

Then, still within the command prompt enter:
cd src
arm-none-eabi-gcc -ftime-report -c buildSpeedTest.c

Now copy the output from this gcc command (lots of websites on how to copy text out of a DOS command prompt, for example, then open tools.txt in your favourite text editor and paste the output from the gcc compile line into the end of it. Then save the updated tools.txt.

Finally attach the info.txt and tools.txt files you have generated to this thread for us to look at.

LPCXpresso Support
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Lobisomem on Tue Nov 24 09:11:01 MST 2015
vtw.433e, Thank you for the tip. I set the bin directories but was not possible to build because of source directories structure. I didnt want to lose much time setting it right.

Lpcxpresso-suport, I did what you told. Set up a new workspace in a completely diferent location and I made a new project. Than, I shot a video to show the build speed.

Please, tell me what you think!

Marcelo Lima
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Lobisomem on Tue Nov 24 09:08:22 MST 2015
vtw.433e, Thank you for the tip. I set the bin directories but was not possible to build because of source directories structure. I didnt want to lose much time setting it right.

Lpcxpresso-suport, I did what you told. Set up a new workspace in a completely diferent location and I made a new project. Than, I shot a video to show the build speed.

Please, tell me what you think!

Marcelo Lima
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by lpcxpresso-support on Tue Nov 24 03:56:24 MST 2015
OK, so I suggest that you go ahead and see if your issue is project / workspace related.

Please switch to a completely new workspace, import some of the standard LPCOpen examples - the libraries and projects like periph_blinky - and see if you see the same "slow" build behaviour or not.

The only other things I can think of to check are standard things that can increase build times such as:

  [*]Guard against multiple inclusion of header files
  [*]Try to keep the number of include paths to a minimum. If you have many include paths, ensure that the files you include most often exist in directories near the start of the include search path.

It might also be useful to see the contents of your global build console after the build completes. It is always possible that compiler options you are using is triggering the issue for you.


LPCXpresso Support
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by vtw.433e on Mon Nov 23 14:52:23 MST 2015
What happens if you build from the om,and line? That is change into the Debug directory and type
Making sure, of course, that your path is setup correctly for all of the LPCXpresso bin directories
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Lobisomem on Mon Nov 23 10:00:16 MST 2015
Thank you for the fast reply!

Indeed, the parallel build made the building process faster! But still taking about 2 seconds per file (or per parallel build in this case).

My conction is wired. I disable it and the diference was too small. Without the parallel build, I only earned 1 second in total.

Another phenomena that I noticed is that seems to be a delay between projects. When I try to builg again (right after the clean and build) it takes almost 10 seconds to finish the "nothing to be done for all". Let me explain: my solution has 3 projects:

- lwip
- netboard_test

It takes litlle more than half a second to show that "nothing to be done for all" for each project. But that is a delay between finish build of one project and begin build of the other. A atached the photos so you can see.

I am using LPCXpresso Free Edition and the ping to is 40~50ms

all in all, Thank you again.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by lpcxpresso-support on Mon Nov 23 06:08:37 MST 2015
Although building under Windows is generally a little slower than Mac / Linux (due to the way Windows spawns processes, together with the Msys layer required to provide a unix like environment for GCC to use), this would not explain the problems that you are seeing.

Generally in such slow downs - I would expect it to be Virus checker related. However, it sounds like you have already ruled that out.

It might be interesting to know if this issue is project related? Do you see the same sort of speed issues if you build some of the standard LPCOpen libraries and projects like periph_blinky?

The only other thing I can think of is that this might be network related (and this really is a long shot).

Can you confirm whether you have a network connection (to the internet)? What sort of ping times do you see to an external site like

And if you are connected, does disconnecting or disabling your network interface make any difference? And is your connection wired or wireless? Does switching to the other (wired-wireless) make any difference?

Finally can you confirm whether you are using an LPCXpresso Pro or Free Edition license?

As an aside, one way to speed things up at a general level is to reconfigure projects to use parallel build rather than the default serial build. This can cause the error message generated by the tools to be displayed intermingled, and hence can be confusing to follow  - which is one of the reasons this is not enabled by default.

To use parallel build, go to

Project - Properties - C/C+ Build

then select the "Behavior" tab, then tick "Enable parallel build". You may need to tweak the number of jobs to get the best performance out of your actual system.

LPCXpresso Support
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Lobisomem on Mon Nov 23 05:11:06 MST 2015
Hi, mate !

Thanks for the tip! But I turned it off and the problem remains! Any other ideas ?
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by vtw.433e on Fri Nov 20 02:15:54 MST 2015
Check your anti virus software. It. It could be scanning the compiler before each invocation.
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