LPCxpresso : congratulations for the great job and welcome to MCUxpresso

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LPCxpresso : congratulations for the great job and welcome to MCUxpresso

Contributor III

Hi all,

This time I do not need any support and I have no question to ask neither. ;-)

I am using LPCxpresso since 2012 and I have developped numerous projects based on NXP's Cortex M0, M0+, M3 and M4 processors in this environment.

I am using this environment nearly every day since the beginning.

This IDE is by far the best and the most efficient free microcontroller development environment I had the opportunity to use. I have also numerous LPC link,  probes which are cheap, efficient and reliable.

The only unpleasant aspect of LPCxpresso was the registration mechanism. Not a big deal anyway.

I have recently downloaded MCUxpresso to get support for the most recent LPX84X chips. I tried to compile some test projects, being convinced that the migration could be maybe difficult. To my great surprise, everything went without any problem and all my LPCxpresso project compile without any issue in MCUxpresso. 

MCUxpresso is very efficient and the debugging probes management seems to have been significantly improved.

Code size is unlimited and registration has disappeared. I am using a  4 GHz Core I7 PC: compilation and code download to the target has become even faster and more reliable with MCUxpresso.

One thing to notice: MCUxpresso makes some changes to the .cproject file and compiling again on LPCxpresso is not possible anymore - There are errors during the link phase. This is not a problem for me.

Thanks to all the NXP guys for these great tools and keep on going !

Best regards,

Michel Kuenemann

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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Dear Michel,

Thank you for your kind words. It is good for the team here to see postive feedback like this from a long term user, and know that we are on the right track :-)

As you may be able to tell, the new MCUXpresso IDE has inherited much from the old LPCXpresso IDE. However the migration has given us the opportunity to start to introduce a number of new areas of technology and functionality. Some of these are already there in the current release of the product, and we continue to work on more for future releases.

You are correct to state that projects edited in MCUXpresso IDE are no longer directly usable in LPXCXpresso IDE. Our aim, even in the LPCXpresso days, has always been to make new IDE versions capable of loading projects from older versions - but it is very hard to keep compatibility with older versions if we are to keep moving the product forward. But hopefully this isn't too big an issue for you.

There are also some comments in the MCUXpresso IDE's Installation Guide regarding migrating from LPCXpresso IDE, though it sounds like you are probably past that stage now.

Anyway, thanks again for your feedback - and hopefully you'll also like what you see in the next MCUXpresso IDE release due in around a months time.

Andy Beeson
Manager, MCUXpresso Tools

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