LPCXpresso824 "SWD ERROR"

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LPCXpresso824 "SWD ERROR"

247 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by shreyas on Tue Jan 26 22:01:54 MST 2016
I was interfacing 4 DC motors using 2 L293D motor drivers to LPCXpresso824, my code seemed perfect and and all motors worked as desired i.e direction, speed. A logic voltage of 5V is given to L293D board from 5V Output of lpc824 and a 12V supply to the motor is connected to L293D using an adaptor, and the lpc824 is completely isolated from 12V. I feel what went wrong is,After many trials I had to remove 1 of the motor to solder a wire to it and I connected this motor to L293D driver when mbed and motor supply of 12V were both ON, i.e an erratic back emf problem could have occured.

What my question is, can we solve the SWD ERROR any how and also I am afraid the IC seems to get heated up which means as per me its already short. If its not canyou tell me what exactly is happening?

If you people out there can tell me what specific problem am dealing with and if theres a way to rectify it, it will be great.

Thank you Shreyas
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215 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by serge on Wed Jan 27 00:47:51 MST 2016
When I read the data-sheet of the LPC824 i see
Single power supply (1.8 V to 3.6 V)

So my question is: where does your 5 Volt output comes from?  :O 
A logic voltage of 5V is given to L293D board from 5V Output of lpc824

You don't supply 5 volt to the LPC824 do you?

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