Debuging Problems with any Workspace project (LPC1343)

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Debuging Problems with any Workspace project (LPC1343)

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by MSB on Fri Jul 02 13:33:22 MST 2010
[SIZE=2]Hello! I feel frustrated since I buy my LPCxpresso, I proceed instaling Code Red allways following all manuals and datasheet instructions. But, after importing all the examples projects for the LPC1343 (which is the target that I purchase) I proceed building the Blinky project, then I debug it appear the following comments on the Console:[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2] [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2][COLOR=Red]<< LPCXpresso Debug Driver v2.0 (Apr  8 2010 14:57:58)
[SIZE=2][COLOR=Red]Looked for chip XML file in C:/nxp/lpcxpresso_3.3/bin/LPC1343.xml[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2][COLOR=Red]Looked for vendor directory XML file in C:/nxp/lpcxpresso_3.3/bin/nxp_directory.xml[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2][COLOR=Red]Found generic directory XML file in C:/nxp/lpcxpresso_3.3/bin/crt_directory.xml[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2][COLOR=Red]02: Failed on connect: Ee(02). Not connected to emulator.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2][COLOR=Red]Emu(0): Connected. Was: None. DpID: EDB6. Info=T1S6RGRIA >>[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2] [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2]So I proceed to check if the IDE was properly configure to the LPC1343, which is correct, down at the right side is reference the LPC1343 and the blinky project, so then I check my usb to miniusb cable, which is working perfect, at last I check on Windows Device Administrator to know if it has detect the USB LPC-Linker-Debug, I confirm you that was perfectly detected. So I try again, and again but nothing else occurr. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2]Additionaly, I can describe that the red led (LED2 on the board) of the target is enable, not blinking, only a contant time red light.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2]Anything else that I can try? Please I will appreciate any help for this issue since I need urgently to work with my LPCxpresso.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2] [/SIZE]
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Iguanasaurus on Tue Jul 20 15:31:19 MST 2010

On you screen-blanking issue, the likely causes are:

- you have an out-of-date video driver, which needs to be updated
- you have a USB mouse/tablet/trackpad/pointing device driver installed that is interfering with the video driver (this is, still, surprisingly common).
  Try disabling/uninstalling any specific mouse/etc drivers and try it with the Windows default driver.

I reloaded the video driver with the correct latest version for my ACER H243H monitor (it was previously using a generic windows driver) and re-booted.

However, this did not fix the problem.  The monitor still flickers between normal and BLACK when i perform any BUILD or DEBUG operation.

I currently have NO other USB devices connected to the computer.  Indeed, the LPCXpresso target board need not even be plugged in for the monitor to do this.

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NXP Employee
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Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Tue Jul 20 12:58:21 MST 2010
When LPCXpresso installs, it automatically installs all of the drivers - unless your prevent them from doing so.

When installing, did you:
- uncheck the NXP or Code Red drivers from the driver selection page, OR
- when Windows prompted you to allow driver to install, prevent Windows from installing?

Otherwise, I cannot explain what happened.

On you screen-blanking issue, the likely causes are:
- you have an out-of-date video driver, which needs to be updated
- you have a USB mouse/tablet/trackpad/pointing device driver installed that is interfering with the video driver (this is, still,  surprisingly common). Try disabling/uninstalling any specific mouse/etc drivers and try it with the Windows default driver.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Iguanasaurus on Tue Jul 20 11:39:57 MST 2010

When you first apply power to the LPCXpresso through the USB cable, you get a "New Hardware" message?  If so, it sounds like the LPCXpresso DFU device is not installed, there was a problem with the install, or the board is just broken. The DFU operation has to work reliably to do anything. Plug the board back in, and when you get the "New Hardware" message, point it at the "<install>\Drivers\DFU\MassDfu.inf" to install the DFU support. Then try to transfer a software probe onto the board (see below).

Well, that did appear to be the problem!!!

I first allowed Windows to search for the driver and that allowed the DEBUG to work but the fix ended up being only temporary since the next time i powered up the board, i got the NEW DEVICE FOUND message again.

Then i specifically pointed to the lpcxpress0_3.4\DRIVERS\DFU directory and that made the change permanent.

Thanks!  I think you need to be bumped from Junior to Senior member!

PS On another note, whenever i perform a BUILD or a DEBUG operation, my LCD monitor flickers ON and OFF and then goes SOLID BLACK for the duration of the code download operation (when the LED near the debug port is seen to faintly flicker).  It then returns to normal afterwards.  I do not believe this affects any of the data, there is merely some conflict between the video drivers and the GUI software for some bizarre reason.  This happens with my Keil tools as well and only started happening when i recently changed to a new computer.  Since you're on a roll, any idea how i can eliminate this annoying effect (it prevents me from reading the progress of the build/link/compile/debug operations when they are occurring but likely
does not affect the final result).

If you fix this, i shall bestow Grand Exalted member status upon you :-)

Thanks! J
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by SteveClevenger on Mon Jul 19 16:58:33 MST 2010
When you first apply power to the LPCXpresso through the USB cable, you get a "New Hardware" message? If so, it sounds like the LPCXpresso DFU device is not installed, there was a  problem with the install, or the board is just broken. The DFU operation has to work reliably to do  anything. Plug the board back in, and when you get the "New Hardware" message, point it at the "<install>\Drivers\DFU\MassDfu.inf" to install the DFU support. Then try to transfer a software probe onto the board (see below).

Quote: Iguanasaurus

Thanks for the quick response.

With the Device Manager open, as soon as i plug in the LPCXpresso board, i get a yellow exclamation mark in the Device Manager's Universal Serial Bus Controllers section indicating a unnamed USB Device with the error "This device is not configured correctly. (Code 1)".

Of course, i cannot install the driver since that was presumably already done when the LPCXpresso tools were themselves installed.

Are there any switches in the S/W which need to be activated after installation to allow it to recognize the USB port?

I have contacted the supplier (Future Electronics) to see if they can bring over some other boards for me to try.

Hopefully, that will fix the problem.   It is odd, however, that the LPC1114 seems to be running OK (since it flashes the LED from the code programmed at the factory).  Of course, it could simply be the LPC3154 which controls the USB port interface which is not working properly.

Thanks again, J

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Mon Jul 19 10:54:02 MST 2010
I don't think there is any mystery - your board does not work! The LPC-Link part that connects to the PC via USB is independent (apart from power and the swd signals) from the target, so just because one works does not mean the other will.

If your board does not work, nothing we can do in software will fix it, sorry.

BTW: from what I have heard, in-field failures/DOA is *very* rare - I guess you are just unlucky.
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1,247 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Iguanasaurus on Mon Jul 19 10:45:01 MST 2010

Thanks for the quick response.

With the Device Manager open, as soon as i plug in the LPCXpresso board, i get a yellow exclamation mark in the Device Manager's Universal Serial Bus Controllers section indicating a unnamed USB Device with the error "This device is not configured correctly. (Code 1)".

Of course, i cannot install the driver since that was presumably already done when the LPCXpresso tools were themselves installed.

Are there any switches in the S/W which need to be activated after installation to allow it to recognize the USB port?

I have contacted the supplier (Future Electronics) to see if they can bring over some other boards for me to try.

Hopefully, that will fix the problem.   It is odd, however, that the LPC1114 seems to be running OK (since it flashes the LED from the code programmed at the factory).  Of course, it could simply be the LPC3154 which controls the USB port interface which is not working properly.

Thanks again, J
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Mon Jul 19 09:45:53 MST 2010
If your board is really not recognised when connected to the USB, that implies the board is DOA. Therefore, please ask your supplier to replace it.

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1,247 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Iguanasaurus on Mon Jul 19 09:36:40 MST 2010

When you first apply power to your LPCXpresso board through the USB cable, it should boot as a DFU device.
This shows up as "USB Device with DFU Capabilities" under "Universal Serial Bus controllers" in the Device Manager.

I get no such indication in the Device Manager after i plug the target board into the USB connector (and cancel the 'New Hardware Found' message which automatically comes up).

If you manually DFU the WinUSB probe image (LPCXpressoWIN.enc) using DFUAPP.exe, you'll see the DFU device has been
replaced with "LPC-Link Debug Probe v1.1" under "Universal Serial Bus controllers".

Whenever i attempt a "manual DFU" such as:

c:\nxp\lpcxpresso_3.4\bin\dfuapp.exe /f LPCXpressoHS.enc

I keep getting the message:

"Warning!!! - cannot open file: LPCXpressoHS.enc"

I doesn't matter what file i try (HS, FS or WIN) even though those files are located in the \bin directory.

So the problem seems to be that the Device Manager does not recognize the physical PCXpresso board on the USB port.  How can i correct this?

PS I don't recall seeing anything about 'probes' and 'FDU'ing and these "dfuapp.exe" and "crt_emu_lpc11_13_nxp.exe" programs and their options in my quickstart guide.
Where is the information regarding their usage?

Thanks, J
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by SteveClevenger on Sat Jul 17 18:38:24 MST 2010
When  you first apply power to your LPCXpresso board through the USB cable, it should boot as a DFU device. This shows up as "USB Device with DFU Capabilities" under  "Universal Serial Bus controllers" in the Device Manager.

If you manually DFU the WinUSB probe image (LPCXpressoWIN.enc) using DFUAPP.exe,  you'll see the DFU device has been replaced with "LPC-Link Debug Probe v1.1" under  "Universal Serial Bus controllers". If you DFU the HID software probe (LPCXpressoHS.enc, or LPCXpressoFS.enc), an extra "HID-compliant device" will appear under "Human Interface Devices" section of  the Device Manager. You can't DFU a different software probe until you cycle the power to the LPCXpresso, since there is no DFU device for DFUAPP to talk to. DFUAPP is what the IDE uses to download the software probe (an .enc file).

Note which probe the IDE is using. Except for Windows XP, the WinUSB version is the default software probe for LPCXpresso. The Window->Preferences->LPCXpresso->Debug checkbox "Initialise LPC-Link as HID (Requires power-cycle)" is how you configure the IDE to use the HID software probe.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Iguanasaurus on Sat Jul 17 15:34:19 MST 2010

I appear to be having a similar DEBUG connection problem.

After registering the code and building the BLINKY project, i am now ready to load it into my demo LPC1114/301 board.  However, whenever i try to DEBUG[/FONT], i keep getting the same "No emulator or board available" message.

The MCU is correctly set for a LPC1114 and also matches the setting in the windows -> preferences -> LPCXpresso -> MCU settings window.

I have also tried issuing the following command line statements:

c:\nxp\lpcxpresso_3.4\bin\crt_emu_lpc11_13_nxp.exe -g -2 -plpc1114/301 -wire=hid -info-target

c:\nxp\lpcxpresso_3.4\bin\crt_emu_lpc11_13_nxp.exe -g -2 -plpc1114/301  -wire=hid -flash-erase

I keep getting the same message which ends in the following:

Ed:02: Failed on connect: Ee(05) No matching emulator found
Et:31: No connection to emulator device
Pc: (100) Target Connection Failed

I also tried selecting the Initialize LPC-Link as HID in the windows -> preferences -> LPCXpresso -> DEBUG window, and after re-plugging in the board, this also made no difference.

I have also tried issuing the following command line statement:

c:\nxp\lpcxpresso_3.4\bin\dfuapp.exe /f LPCXpressoHS.enc

And keep getting the message:

"Warning!!! - cannot open file: LPCXpressoHS.enc"

I doesn't matter what file i try (HS, FS or WIN) even though those files are located in the \bin directory.

I all cases, the board simply continues to flash its onboard LED which was obviously what it was programmed to do at the factory but won't connect to the LPCXpresso DEBUGGER.

I have ALSO tried all of the above after powering the board with the P0.1 pin held LOW.

When i do this, the onboard LED lights continuously (dim) which indicates that the processor is no longer executing code and the LED is merely pulling some small current through the pin's internal pullup resistor.

However, none of the above tests are able to connect to the board even when it is in this state.

Repowering the board with the P0.1 pin disconnected allows the factory code to run again.

So,... The board itself appears to be functioning as does the LPCXpresso IDE.  However, the tools do not seem to be able to recognize that there is a target board attached to the USB port and my computers Device Manager does not indicate that anything special or related to LPCXpresso is on the USB port.

Can anyone offer any help here?!

Thanks! J
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Sat Jul 17 10:34:09 MST 2010
IIRC there is some info in the getting started guide and on the NXP lpcxpresso pages
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by MSB on Sat Jul 17 10:18:56 MST 2010
Eureka! I have my LPCXpresso working!, thanks for the help!, I appreciate that very much.

Only one last question, I wish to separate the Linker/JTAG form the Target, but since there are pin connections very close to each other, and obviouly I don´t want to damage the board and those pins. Do you have any suggestion for doing this? I mean, any particular tool to use or procedure that Nxp recomend.

Thanks again!
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Fri Jul 16 23:46:07 MST 2010
I'm sorry you're experiencing such difficulties. Your screenshot is evidence the software probe has initialized. That's not to say there wasn't an issue with installation of one of the USB drivers.

Code Red has heard of only one report from a user who received an LPCXpresso board which was DOA (Dead on Arrival). That board was replaced by NXP.

When you received your LPCXpresso, the act of applying power via the USB cable would have booted the chip. The default application the board is shipped with is the LPC1343 Blinky example program. It sounds like you've never seen evidence the LPC1343 actually worked?

At this point, you should try to boot the LPC1343 into the ISP boot loader. The ISP guarantees the chip will be in a known stable state.

1. Disconnect the power supplied to the LPCXpresso through the USB cable.
2. Tie pin P0.1 to ground.
3. Apply power to the LPCXpresso by reconnecting the USB cable.

Upon power-up, this boot loader will read the state of P0.1, and should enter ISP mode instead of vectoring to the code in user flash. If successful, the board can flashed with one of the LPC1343 example programs. Be sure you do not modify any of the initialization code related to clock/PLL setup.


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by MSB on Fri Jul 16 17:36:44 MST 2010
Please see attached two jpg files with all the procedure that I follow and all error messages, if you need anything alse please let me know.
Sure I did that after my last post before you last suggestion, I mean, I uninstall lpcxpresso_3.3, and after that I install and activate lpcxpresso_3.4, but the same problem persist.
Please noted that on my first post I mention that since I execute the blinky example for first time, the led number 2 in the target board was and it´s activated with a red, bright and constant light, but never blinking.
In other words, every time I connect my lpcxpresso with the usb cable to the computer, the led nº2 is always enable emiting continuous light, no matter what happend (Debuging, Building, working with prompt DOS) that led is always activated continously.
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1,247 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Fri Jul 16 16:56:15 MST 2010
LPCXpresso v3.4 has been available for a few weeks. Download and install the free update, and Windows drivers. I'd like to compare the behavior. The fact the LED on the board continues to blink suggests the 'Blinky' application your board (LPC1114 or LPC1343)  shipped with has not been halted by the software probe. This is a side effect of connecting debug. So, either the debug stub has not connected to the software probe (as we believe), or, the software probe cannot talk to the chip. I noticed you specified your chip as an LPC1343. If so, you should use the '-pLPC1343' option in place of '-pLPC1114/301'.


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1,247 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by MSB on Fri Jul 16 16:23:00 MST 2010
After unplug and replug the Usb cable I use the command [COLOR=Sienna]C:\nxp\lpcxpresso_3.3\bin\dfuapp.exe /f LPCXpressoWIN.enc[/COLOR] (Note that I don´t use[COLOR=Sienna] lpcxpresso_3.4[/COLOR] since I have [COLOR=Sienna]lpcxpresso_3.3[/COLOR])
As a result in Hardware Administration of Windows, Devices Manager the Usb Device pass form "USB Device with DFU Capabilities" to "LPC-Link Debug Probe v1.1", as original did it, that was not my problem originaly (Please see my first post)
But again, when I try to see target info or to erase the flash from promt, this times i have two differents type of message error depending the computer (I have the same problem on my notebook, but with different message error- Also with WinXP-)
[COLOR=Sienna]1) It´s not a Win32 application
2) ...................................................
   ..........same previous post.........
  Et:31:No Connection to the emulator device
  Pc: <100> Target connection Failed[/COLOR] (In my notebook)
Anyway when I debug the same message error appear in the screen (before posted)
If it is necessary I can send you some attached files in order that you can check all the fullfilment of the procedure suggested.
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1,247 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by SteveClevenger on Fri Jul 16 15:10:54 MST 2010
If you're attempting the command-line tests, you first need to ensure the HID (or WinUSB) software probe has been downloaded to the LPCXpresso. The LPCXpresso IDE does this automatically for you. So, unplug and replug the USB cable from your PC to the LPCXpresso to ensure a power cycle. Next, enter one of the following commands depending on whether you're testing with WinUSB or HID probes:

C:\nxp\lpcxpresso_3.4\bin\dfuapp.exe /f LPCXpressoWIN.enc

for the WinUSB probe, or

C:\nxp\lpcxpresso_3.4\bin\dfuapp.exe /f LPCXpressoHS.enc.

for the HID probe.

After you have reconnected the USB cable, you should see a "USB Device with DFU Capabilities" in the Device Manager "Universal Serial Bus controllers". If you DFU the HID probe image, another "HID-compliant device" will appear in "Human Interface Devices". If you DFU the WinUSB probe image, you'll see "LPC-Link Debug Probe v1.1 should up in "Universal Serial Bus controllers". This is how you know the LPCXpresso has booted the software probe.

To specify to the debug utility it should talk to the HID probe, you would use the '-wire=hid' option on the command-line. For WinUSB, the option is '-wire=winusb'.

Quote: MSB
[SIZE=2]Using DOS command prompt:
[/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=Sienna]C:\nxp\lpcxpresso_3.3\bin\crt_emu_lpc11_13_nxp.exe -g -2 -pLPC1114/301 -wire=hid -info-target[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2]
[/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=Sienna]C:\nxp\lpcxpresso_3.3\bin\crt_emu_lpc11_13_nxp.exe -g -2  -pLPC1114/301   -wire=hid -flash-erase[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2]
[/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed][COLOR=Black]the same result:[/COLOR]
Pc: <0> Reading remote configuration
Ni: LPCXpresso Debug Driver v2.0 <Apr 8 2010 14:57:58>
Nc: Looked for chip XML file in C:/nxp/lpcxpresso_3.3/bin/LPC1114/301.xml
Nc: Looked for vendor directory XML file in C:/ncp/lpcxpresso_3.3/bin/nxp_directory.xml
Nc: Found generic directory XML file in C:/nxp/lpcxpresso_3.3/bin/crt_directory.xml
Pc: <5> Remote configuration complete
Ed: 02: Failed on connect: Ee<05>. No matching emulator found - make sure power is on and not in use alredy.
Et:31: No connection to emulator device
Pc: <100> Target conne ction Failed[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2]
and using:
[/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=Sienna]C:\nxp\lpcxpresso_3.3\bin\crt_emu_lpc11_13_nxp.exe -g -2 -pLPC1114/301   -wire=winusb -info-target[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2]
Result in:
[/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=Sienna]Pc: <0> Readiung remote configuration
Ni: LPCXpresso Debug Driver v2.0 <Apr 8 2010 14:57:58>
Et: Failed emulatorinitialization: Et<14>. Unknown or invalid emulator or wire type.[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2]
Previouly I choose the "Initialise LPC-Link as HID (Requires Power Cycle)" in Windows-Preferences-LPCxpresso-Debug[/SIZE]

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1,247 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by MSB on Fri Jul 16 13:52:07 MST 2010
[SIZE=2]Using DOS command prompt:
[/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=Sienna]C:\nxp\lpcxpresso_3.3\bin\crt_emu_lpc11_13_nxp.exe -g -2 -pLPC1114/301 -wire=hid -info-target[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2]
[/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=Sienna]C:\nxp\lpcxpresso_3.3\bin\crt_emu_lpc11_13_nxp.exe -g -2  -pLPC1114/301   -wire=hid -flash-erase[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2]
[/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed][COLOR=Black]the same result:[/COLOR]
Pc: <0> Reading remote configuration
Ni: LPCXpresso Debug Driver v2.0 <Apr 8 2010 14:57:58>
Nc: Looked for chip XML file in C:/nxp/lpcxpresso_3.3/bin/LPC1114/301.xml
Nc: Looked for vendor directory XML file in C:/ncp/lpcxpresso_3.3/bin/nxp_directory.xml
Nc: Found generic directory XML file in C:/nxp/lpcxpresso_3.3/bin/crt_directory.xml
Pc: <5> Remote configuration complete
Ed: 02: Failed on connect: Ee<05>. No matching emulator found - make sure power is on and not in use alredy.
Et:31: No connection to emulator device
Pc: <100> Target conne ction Failed[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2]
and using:
[/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=Sienna]C:\nxp\lpcxpresso_3.3\bin\crt_emu_lpc11_13_nxp.exe -g -2 -pLPC1114/301   -wire=winusb -info-target[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2]
Result in:
[/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=Sienna]Pc: <0> Readiung remote configuration
Ni: LPCXpresso Debug Driver v2.0 <Apr 8 2010 14:57:58>
Et: Failed emulatorinitialization: Et<14>. Unknown or invalid emulator or wire type.[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2]
Previouly I choose the "Initialise LPC-Link as HID (Requires Power Cycle)" in Windows-Preferences-LPCxpresso-Debug[/SIZE]
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1,247 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by MSB on Fri Jul 16 13:16:59 MST 2010
By the way, I use Windows XP. I start trying with your first suggestion, but when I go to Windows-Preferences-LPCxpresso-Debug the checkboxes are slightly different in comparisson with your definition, instead of that I see two checkboxes with the following text:  "Force Build Debugging / GDB Abort command" and then  "Initialise LPC-Link as HID (Requires Power Cycle)". Anyway I click on both checkboxes but nothing happens, the same problem continues.
So, I try following your instructions using DOS command prompt, carefully proving both options, I mean for Win32 and HID but no information about the chip appears, and I was not able to erase the flash memory.
The Message error is:[COLOR=Sienna]

LPCXpresso: Error
Error launching Debug\Blinky.axf
02: Failed on connect: Ee(02). Not connected to emulator.

No symbol "new" in current context.
set remotetimeout 60000

And down the right:

Launching blinky (Debug): (97%) or (66%) sometimes

The Led 2 continues constantly red.[/COLOR]

Another questions:
Do you have any suggestion for separating the Target Board from the Link Board? As you know there are pin connections very close to each other and I don´t want to damage the board and those pins connection, may be it´s necesary to use a special o particular tool.
It´s possible to use Keil in that case? I mean, adding an external circuit in order to download the Program to the Flash target.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by CodeRedSupport on Fri Jul 02 16:32:18 MST 2010
If the Device Manager shows an 'LPC-Link' entry, either the HID or WinUSB probe has enumerated. You didn't specify the Windows version in use. WinUSB is the default installation except for Windows XP. If you select:

Windows -> Preferences -> LPCXpresso -> Debug

you'll find a checkbox which selects HID vs. WinUSB. Checking or unchecking the box will change the USB interface of the probe. You can try both configurations to check compatibility with your system.

Next, exercise the crt_emu_lpc11_13_nxp.exe debug utility standalone from a DOS command prompt,  to see what is possible. I don't know whether the LPCXpresso is  used as a HID or WinUSB device, so the '-wire=' arguments show below may  differ (e.g '-wire=hid' or '-wire=winusb').

This command will print to the console various chip details related  to  your target connection. You can post your results.

C:\nxp\lpcxpresso_3.3\bin\crt_emu_lpc11_13_nxp.exe -g -2 -pLPC1114/301  -wire=winusb -info-target

This command erases the flash:

C:\nxp\lpcxpresso_3.3\bin\crt_emu_lpc11_13_nxp.exe -g -2  -pLPC1114/301  -wire=winusb -flash-erase

Let us know your results.

You can switch between the HID and WinUSB probes from the command-line by cycling target power, and issuing:

C:\>\nxp\lpcxpresso_3.3\bin\dfuapp /f LPCXpressoHS.enc

The image file above is for the HID High Speed probe. Others are:

LPCXpressoWIN.enc - WinUSB High Speed probe
LPCXpressoFS.enc = HID Full Speed probe (slower)

We recommend you avoid connecting the LPCXpresso board through an external USB hub.


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