"New Project" wizzard and Pins tool MCUXpresso for LPC845

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"New Project" wizzard and Pins tool MCUXpresso for LPC845

Contributor IV

1.) The wizzard asks for driver inclusion. Why aren't the chosen drivers not automatically included, e.g. #include "fsl_gpio.h" in main.c when I chose the GPIO driver in the wizzard?

2.) Why do I have to call e.g. GPIO_PortInit(GPIO, port) manually, although I chose a specific GPIO in the Pins tool? I would suggest this to be done automatically by the Pins tool in clock_config.c (or pinmux.c). I think to read



EDIT: Tutorial: Blinky with the NXP LPC845-BRK Board | MCU on Eclipse 


that on Kinetis version this is the standard (but haven't checked this).


EDIT: More bad on function WKT_Init(). DPDCTRL->LPOSCEN isn't set to "1" by this function when low power oscillator is chosen as clock source. Power has to be enabled manually in this case. This code doesn't work:

wkt_config_t wkt_config;
wkt_config.clockSource = kWKT_LowPowerClockSource;
WKT_Init(WKT, &wkt_config);

Changing the clock source and then init the peripheral doesn't work.


3.) LPC845-BRK example blinky: Why is GPIO configured twice? First in Pins tool (Direction: Output, GPIO initial state: 0, Mode: PullUp??? why this???) and then in main.c with "gpio_pin_config_t led_config" ?

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5 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee


  1. The new project wizard is designed to let you easily add any drivers needed for your project, however, it does not automatically add the "#include" statements since the wizard does not know which .c files are going to be using each driver.


  1. I followed the tutorial you're referring to, and it ran without problems. Could you please tell me which board you're using? I ran some tests on the LPC-845MAX and I had to change the pins for the led for it to work properly.


  1. It's not really being initialized twice. Could you please check the led_blinky.c file, there you will find it's just being set as an output, while in the pin_mux.c file we are setting other configurations, such as the pullup resistor.




0 Kudos

Contributor IV

1.) Sorry, but I can't believe that the wizzard doesn't know which .h and .c files belong to a driver. When I remove the WKT from the project via "Manage SDK components" (untick "wkt") this dialog appears:wkt_dialog.png

So the belonging files are well known. And even if not: The files are named like the driver, added by .h. or.c.

I haven't find out yet where the changes are made in the background.

2.) I use the LPC845-BRK (MCUXPresso 10.3.1 and SDK 2.5.0 for LPC845) and created a new project with the wizzard. During the dialog I added the gpio driver.

I started pins tool and chose config below.


My estimation was: I chose a specific pin (PIO1_0, port and pin number are known), a direction of that pin, an initial value (0) and the pull-up (no pull-up). So the tool translates this into code, including the #include "fsl_gpio.h, enables the relevant clocks and I can start to use use functions like GPIO_PortToggle() in main.

That the LPO isn't powered automatically (like I stated as a mistake above) is correct, I think, because it's not the default clock source for the WKT.

3.) I have to reread the Config-tool docu carefully, I think.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee



Thank you for your feedback.

Since not every code implementation is the same, the wizard does not automatically add the #include statements to your main file; this is done with the purpose of manually deciding which source files will use each library file.




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Contributor IV


LPC845-BRK example blinky: Why is GPIO configured twice? First in Pins tool (Direction: Output, GPIO initial state: 0, Mode: PullUp??? why this???) and then in main.c with "gpio_pin_config_t led_config" ?


It's not really being initialized twice. Could you please check the led_blinky.c file, there you will find it's just being set as an output, while in the pin_mux.c file we are setting other configurations, such as the pullup resistor.


I followed your advise and checked the code: BOARD_InitPins() is the first function called in main. This function is created by mex-file, residing in pin_mux.c:

void BOARD_InitPins(void)
    GPIO->DIR[1] = ((GPIO->DIR[1] &
                     /* Mask bits to zero which are setting */

                    /* Selects pin direction for pin PIOm_n (bit 0 = PIOn_0, bit 1 = PIOn_1, etc.). Supported pins
                     * depends on the specific device and package. 0 = input. 1 = output.: 0x02u */
                    | GPIO_DIR_DIRP(0x02u));

The upper part is completely useless, because "everything" & 0x0000 0000 results in 0x0000 0000. This result (0) is ORed with "2". So simply writing GPIO_DIR_DIRP(0x02u) would be enough here.

So here the pin is set to output.

GPIO_PinInit(GPIO, BOARD_LED_PORT, BOARD_LED_PIN, &led_config); does the same. In struct led_config the setting for pin to output is done.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee



Sorry for any inconvenience caused by this.

Thank you for your comments and feedback, we will take them into account for our next release.


Best regards,


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