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1,134 次查看
Contributor III

How is NXP doing on implementing USB JTAG. This way we can throw all jtag adapters away and the cost.

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1,119 次查看
Senior Contributor V

I’ve not heard of this, but I guess this is implementing a USB interface on chip that can be used to toggle JTAG for debug.

if so, this would mean every chip (the vast majority of which are used for production and will never want to use JTAG for debug) has the extra unused functionality. You will use extra pins (compared to SWD) and have significant extra silicon area (for USB) and so make the chip more expensive just to save a few dollars on a debug interface (the cost of an MCU is based on silicon area and pin count). 

My company want to save every fraction of a cent on production costs - the cost of debug probes is completely insignificant. So, I hope they are not doing anything about this.

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880 次查看
Contributor III

 J-LINK PRO from SEGGER is around $1148.00. I guess your right that is chump change. Completely insignificant.

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882 次查看
Contributor III

Espressif just came out with the ESP32-S3 it has USB JTAG. NXP might want to get in on the action. I think this is going to be a trend in MCU's of the future. Don't miss out. I like it.

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