Standalone lpc4330-minimal pcb requirements

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Standalone lpc4330-minimal pcb requirements

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by on Tue Jul 21 10:07:12 MST 2015
This could be a basic question but...... I know an atmega328 chip would only need the power, external oscillator, for it to get programmed first mosi,miso,sck power and rst pins would be used to burn the bootloader and then an ftdi programmer can be used to program the chip using tx,rx and rst.
Similarly Im to design a custom board for lpc4330 mcu

What would be the minimum requirements to get the chip running and to get programmed.
all power pins provided with a clean 3.3V
all ground pins connected to ground and?

I am hoping an 12MHz oscillator to be connected to Xtal1 and Xtal2 pins with the ground caps of 39pf. Is there anything else Im missing??

So for the programming I have seen the JTAG pins on the IC. Can I just hook up an usb blaster to the relevent JTAG pins and start programming.??

Thank you.

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6 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by starblue on Thu Jul 23 12:33:24 MST 2015

Quote: MikeSimmonds

Aren't there also 3? boot mode pins that need to be pin strapped high/low to set the boot mode?
I am not a 43XX user, but seem to remember something.


Yes, I forgot that. I should add a disclaimer that I only used naked LPC81x, LPC82x and LPC1114 (and made a board for LPC176x), so I may miss things for the bigger ones.

For reference I normally look at the Keil MCB and LPCXpresso (Embedded artists) schematics.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by on Thu Jul 23 00:41:44 MST 2015
Thank you for all your kind replies.

I'm a little bit lost.

Most online boards would have its own programmer Ic. If I would to use one of them Im gonna have to program that too. However planning to buy a lpc link 2.

However I've been looking at

Note that the LPC4330 doesn't have internal flash, so you will need external SPIFI flash as a minimum.
If you want internal flash you need an LPC4337.

switching to 4337 won't be a problem.

Probably not. Like Rocketdawg I would also recommend the LPC-Link2.

Yes I'd be going for an LPC link 2. Similarly  corresponding JTAG on the lpc to match the pins in the IC with DBGEN pin high and RESET pin high would get it to program ?

Yes, It is 4 pins as shown on page 64 of the data sheet.

Could you kindly tell me which mode would i have to set it to in order to program using lpc link 2. Would be using 4337 and if I am using a 4330 with W25Q flash chip? datasheet table attached

There are several online schematics for several different development boards. I would suggest studying them to see what they connected and leverage from them

I am referring to a dev board named bambino 210. Since it has its own programming part I am not so sure how the pin configs would differ when programming from a external programmer.

Again Thank you for the kind help.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by rocketdawg on Wed Jul 22 13:16:05 MST 2015

Quote: MikeSimmonds
Aren't there also 3? boot mode pins that need to be pin strapped high/low to set the boot mode?

Yes, It is 4 pins as shown on page 64 of the data sheet.

to OP:
There are several online schematics for several different development boards.  I would suggest studying them to see what they connected and leverage from them.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by MikeSimmonds on Wed Jul 22 02:30:19 MST 2015

Aren't there also 3? boot mode pins that need to be pin strapped high/low to set the boot mode?
I am not a 43XX user, but seem to remember something.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by starblue on Tue Jul 21 12:21:55 MST 2015

Similarly Im to design a custom board for lpc4330 mcu

Note that the LPC4330 doesn't have internal flash, so you will need external SPIFI flash as a minimum.
If you want internal flash you need an LPC4337.


What would be the minimum requirements to get the chip running and to get programmed.
all power pins provided with a clean 3.3V
all ground pins connected to ground and?

I am hoping an 12MHz oscillator to be connected to Xtal1 and Xtal2 pins with the ground caps of 39pf. Is there anything else Im missing??

Strictly speaking you don't need a crystal at all, the LPC43xx can run on its internal RC oscillator just fine.
Otherwise a 12MHz crystal like you propose is standard.  The capacitors need to match the crystal, see the crystal data sheet.


So for the programming I have seen the JTAG pins on the IC. Can I just hook up an usb blaster to the relevent JTAG pins and start programming.??

Probably not. Like Rocketdawg I would also recommend the LPC-Link2.

You can also program internal flash via ISP over a serial port (I'm not sure this works for SPIFI), with a 3.3V FTDI cable or breakout: FTDI TXD -> LPC RXD, RXD -> TXD, DTR -> RESET, RTS-> BOOT_ISP. BOOT_ISP is a special port that causes the controller to enter boot mode when low (see the user manual, it differs for the different controller families). Using DTR and RTS makes flashing fully automatic, but you can also use pushbuttons for RESET and BOOT_ISP, like many boards do. On MS-Windows the software for this is FlashMagic, on Linux lpc21isp. It is slower than programming via JTAG and you don't get debugging, but you can use it to recover if something goes wrong with the JTAG connection.

Note that you should put a pull-up on BOOT_ISP, or your controller will spuriously end up in the boot loader instead of your application.

There's also DFU via USB, but that is probably not minimal any more.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by rocketdawg on Tue Jul 21 11:18:18 MST 2015
get one of these
they are under $25 dollars and will work as a dev board or a JTAG debugger and/or programmer.  I do not know if the Altera blaster will work.
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