Real count of USB endpoints can be used (lpc4322) ?

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Real count of USB endpoints can be used (lpc4322) ?

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by cmt on Fri Aug 08 09:38:09 MST 2014
In lcp43xx user manual at 24.3 Features written that USB0 "Supports six logical endpoints including one control endpoint for a total of 12 physical endpoints."

Can anybody clarify what does it actually means:
1. Only 5 USB endpoints (+ 1 control ep) actually can exist in device based on USB0, and does not matter is it In or Out ep.


2. 10 USB endpoints actually can exist in device based on USB0, but only 5 In and 5 Out ep.
For example device can be USB Audio card with one Input and one Output, and 1-st logical ep will be enough for that -
2-nd physical ep for Audio output (in terms of USB host) and
3-rd physical ep for Audio input (in terms of USB host),
the same time 2-nd, 3-rd, 4-th, 5-th logical ep can be used for other purposes - is it correct ?

Thank you!
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by nerd herd on Fri Aug 08 09:56:20 MST 2014

If you read further in chapter 24, they talk more about the endpoints. Specifically, in section 24.4.5, there is a table detailing the relation of logical to physical endpoints. To summarize, your second guess about there being 5 "in" and "out" endpoints (control endpoint exclusive) was correct. Hope that helps!
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