Re: Debug out problem

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Re: Debug out problem

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I suggest you take a step back.

When you plug your LPCXpresso4367 board into your PC (which is running which OS?), how does it appear when you compare it to the details in:  LPC-Link2 fails to enumerate with CMSIS-DAP firmware and 

And can you confirm that you are connecting to it via the "bottom" USB connector (holding the board with the USB connectors on the left hand side)?

When you start a debug session from LPCXpresso IDE to your board, what do you see in your debug log? The Debug Log 

It might also be helpful to see the map file generated by the linker when you build your project (in the Debug or Release subdirectory of your project).


LPCXpresso Support

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11 Replies

Contributor IV

A bit late, but in case someone else has this problem. Check the state of JP11, and indeed, that it's present.  I jsut got burned by a somewhat similar issue (couldn't produce output to the FTDI port....mostly just cos JP11 was set for P6_4 and I'd assumed it was P2_0.


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Sorry, this is way outside my area of expertise now. The only remaining thing I can suggest is to try playing with the settings of your terminal application. In particular note the comment in the board user guide LPCXpresso4367 Development Board|NXP  that:

the default source of data to the Target MCU RXD is the FTDI header. Once the Link2 receives any data via the VCOM port of a host computer it will set P2_2 low to select the Link2 UART0 data to the Target MCU.

Thus it is possible that if you are not triggering this, then your data is going out to the FTDI connector. Changing your terminal start up settings might getting things going for you.

Anyway, sorry I can't provide any further suggestions with this. 


LPCXpresso Support

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Contributor III

I bought a new lpcxpresso 4367 dev board and debug out works fine.

Hope that the new one stays solid :smileyhappy:

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

So in that case I imagine that  you have either damaged your board somehow, or changed your application code (or board/chip library code) in some way that prevents output being sent through the UART to the vcom channel of the debug probe.

I suggest switching to a completely new workspace in LPCXpresso IDE, importing the LPCOpen examples into this. And trying one of the ones that redirects output to UART (and on to the VCOM port). For instance I mentioned earlier in the thread that I see output using 'periph_uart'.


LPCXpresso Support

0 Kudos

Contributor III

I ve followed your suggestions, unfortunately it doesn't work.

I didn't do anything exotic so that i broke the device.

Well what can i say?

I would appreciate any further help.

0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

So if everything worked until you installed other USB drivers a week ago - and you have not changed anything in your the code base of the LPC application itself, then that would suggest that something is still not right with the drivers on your Windows system.

I would suggest removing completely the LPC-Link2 drivers (not just the VCOM driver), then reinstalling - as described in : 

It is also possible that something else on your PC is clashing, so make sure you remove all other non-essential USB devices from your PC.

And you could also try other USB ports, a different USB cable, connecting directly to your PC and via a powered USB hub, etc, etc. and also if possible try with another PC too. And make sure your PC has the latest updates installed. Certainly Windows 10 Anniversary updates did seem to break a few things generally (though we haven't seen or heard of any issues with LPC-Link2).


LPCXpresso Support

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Contributor III


I managed to install lpcxpresso ide to colleagues pc and the same problem occurs.

So is it possible that some uart pin bricked or sth like that?

0 Kudos

Contributor III

I accidentally branched this conversation and didn't figure out how to unbranch it! Sorry.

(which is running which OS?)

Windows 10

When you plug your LPCXpresso4367 board into your PC (which is running which OS?), how does it appear when you compare it to the details in:  LPC-Link2 fails to enumerate with CMSIS-DAP firmware and Booting LPC-Link2

CMSIS-DAP firmware is ok. Drivers are also ok.

I can debug code and also i can use debug in. If i blindly press keys from keyboard (i have memorised the correct order) debug in works fine.

The problem is that no messages are printed to terminal.

And can you confirm that you are connecting to it via the "bottom" USB connector (holding the board with the USB connectors on the left hand side)?

I am connecting to board via J5. I am using it all the way from the beginning with no problems at all.

When you start a debug session from LPCXpresso IDE to your board, what do you see in your debug log?

LPCXpresso RedlinkMulti Driver v8.1 (Mar 11 2016 13:34:34 - crt_emu_cm_redlink build 672)
Probe Firmware: LPC-LINK2 CMSIS-DAP V5.147 (NXP Semiconductors)
Serial Number:  GSARBQDQ
VID:PID:  1FC9:0090
USB Path: \\?\hid#vid_1fc9&pid_0090&mi_00#7&4645306&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
Emu(0): Connected&Reset. DpID: 2BA01477. CpuID: 410FC240. Info: <None>
Debug protocol: SWD. RTCK: Disabled. Vector catch: Disabled.
inspected v.2 On-chip Flash Memory C:\nxp\LPCXpresso_8.1.4_606\lpcxpresso\bin\Flash\LPC18x7_43x7_2x512_BootA.cfx
image 'LPC18x7/LPC43x7 2x512KB (Boot Bank A) Feb 16 2016 09:18:47'
NXP: LPC4337  Part ID: 0x00000000
Connected: was_reset=true. was_stopped=false
LPCXpresso Free License - Download limit is 256K
Writing 25156 bytes to address 0x1A000000 in Flash
Erased/Wrote page  0-3 with 25156 bytes in 640msec
Flash Write Done
Flash Program Summary: 25156 bytes in 0.64 seconds (38.39 KB/sec)
============= SCRIPT: LPC18LPC43InternalFLASHBootResetscript.scp =============
Boot from FLASH image pc/sp reset script
PC = 0x1A000245
SP = 0x10008000
XPSR = 0x01000000
VTOR = 0x00000000
============= END SCRIPT =====================================================

Stopped: Breakpoint #1

0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I've just tried using the 'periph_uart' example from  '' on an LPCXpresso4367 board and see both input and output in my terminal program (I'm using "CoolTerm") via the VCOM port provided by the debug probe. If you still aren't seeing output in your terminal program, I would suggest checking the settings. For reference, I have mine configured for

Baudrate: 115200

Data bits: 8

Parity: None

Stop Bits 1

Initial lines states - DTR On, RTS on

You may also need to double check that you are connected to the right vcom port on your PC.

If you need more assistance, please confirm the example you are running, the terminal program you are using, and the settings you have it configured to use.


LPCXpresso Support

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Contributor III

Yes the port is right because i can give input.(COM3)

Windows Device manager recognises com3 ( LPC-LinkII Ucom Port (COM3) )

(As an example of the the input i can give is that when i run periph_ssp example and

i blindly press keys from keyboard to send a frame i can see it to the oscilloscope. That means that the DEBUGIN macros that is used in examples work fine because input given from me is working. The DEBUGOUT macro is not working.)

I am using putty serial connection with the options you mentioned.

I also tried coolterm as you suggested with the same options.

Debugout messages were printed normally a week ago. The only thing that it might messed things were some usb drivers from National Instruments that my oscilloscope softwared needed.

I now have deleted all related software from oscilloscope and restored windows to the point that everything worked.

But still no debug out messages.

I am currently trying to run periph_i2c example

0 Kudos

Contributor III

I could really use some help.

I am in a middle of a delivery and stuck. Without debugout messages i can't continue.

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