Question on LPC4300 MP3 Player & Internet Radio Demo: Where does audio come out? What jumpers are needed for audio?

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Question on LPC4300 MP3 Player & Internet Radio Demo: Where does audio come out? What jumpers are needed for audio?

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by capiman on Tue Nov 26 07:55:07 MST 2013
Hello Bernhard,

first many thanks for the "LPC4300 MP3 Player & Internet Radio Demo".

I downloaded the (precompiled) hex files with FlashMagic on both flash banks.
After reset it starts and displays the GUI. I have connected Ethernet.
I can select "Internet Radio" and "Hit FM 104" and it seems to be playing. The second LED blinks
each second and sometimes a bit faster.
Third and forth LED is permanently on. So, so far it looks good.

Does it mean M0 and M4 are already correctly running?
Or could it be that only one of the cores is running displaying the GUI?

But where does the audio come out? I don't hear any music...

Is it coming via on board speaker or one of the connector for a headset?

There is a jumper for Codec/DAC, must it be in a certain position?
Is the ADC1 with potentiometer used to control volume or not used?

Any other jumper which are important when GUI is already running?

Some other ideas (for your list of ideas):
Create a possibility to add/change station list. (without changing the sources and recompile all the different/difficult things)
Perhaps list can be read from SD card,
or over the Internet (where? and how to configure it, perhaps a bit more complicated...)

Best regards,


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4 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Atieh on Mon Feb 16 10:08:04 MST 2015
Hi Capiman

I have a problem in compiling the demo. The errors are related to the asmmisc.s file.  The first error is about  "EXPORT MULSHIFT32" .It says "Unknown opcode MULSHIFT32 , expecting opcode or Macro". Your help would be appreciated.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by praveen.9123 on Thu Jan 02 04:20:25 MST 2014
Dear Martin.D,

I am also working on lpc4330 xplorer board , if you got any code or material regarding playing audio from sd card please share to me also.

Praveen Kumar.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by maritn.d on Sat Dec 28 12:06:07 MST 2013
Dear bavarian,
                   I am working on LPC 4330 xplorer board.Can u help me on,to play wave file from sd card with lpc 4330 xplorer board.Pls.provide sample code me.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by bavarian on Tue Nov 26 08:24:46 MST 2013
Hello Martin,

yes, the blinking LEDs show that the software is correctly running and loading an MP3 stream from the network.

        No jumpers need to be set, but the doku needs to be read  ;-)

The binary version is without MP3 decoder, this is something people need to do by themselves, with a little help from the doku.
But if you insert an SD card with WAV files then you can select the WAV player and music should come out.

The thing with the station list is on the list, but it requires a little bit more work on the software side, and maybe also a new GUI concept.

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