Hello , I am new to eclipse and i am done with GPIO toggling . Now I would like to run Ethernet with LWIP .I don't know from where to start with. Is there a sample example for Ethernet available in eclipse? i am working on LPC1769 controller.Thank you!
Best regards,
Hello Vishakha,
There are two examples in the LPCOpen folder within the MCUXpresso IDE.
Both are examples containing lwip one uses Free-RTOS and the other is a stand alone example(without an RTOS).
MCUXpresso is an eclipse-based IDE. You download it from here.
Once downloaded you can follow this path in your computer to find the LPCOpen folder which contains many examples from different microcontrollers, including the LPC1769.
Inside the folder you will find several examples using different peripherals. However the two that may interest you are named:
Let me know if you have any questions.
Best Regards,