Hello !
I need BoD type of wakeup when voltage start to drop below some level.
But looks like it is not possible to wakeup MCU from Power-down mode due BoD type of interrupt.
Can AnalogComparator used in similar way ?
It is not so clear how to initialize it and how some external pins should be used .
Do you have any application note for it or any example usage of it ?
Regards !
Hello Eugene,
If the BOD reset is enabled, the forced BOD reset can wake up the chip from reduced power modes, not including power-down and deep power-down.
Yes the analog comparator can be used to wake up the system. An example code is provided in section of the User Manual.
The pins you are able to use for the analog comparator are the following:
Could you please specify if you are getting an error when attempting to initialize these pins. This way I can check your code.
Best Regards,