LPC55S69 : pin repeater mode

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LPC55S69 : pin repeater mode

Senior Contributor I

Hi !

Do I indestand right and pin repeater mode is need to keep output pin state while some low power modes ?


The repeater mode enables the pull-up resistor if the pin is high and enables the
pull-down resistor if the pin is low. This causes the pin to retain its last known state if it is
configured as an input and is not driven externally. Such state retention is not applicable to
the deep power-down mode. Repeater mode may typically be used to prevent a pin from
floating and potentially using significant power if it floats to an indeterminate state if it is
temporarily not driven.


I can see while Powerdown mode, DIR register "lose" direction and all pins reconfigured as inputs.

I can backup/restore this register. But what other registers need to be backup restored for return back output pin state 0/1 , PIN ?



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