LPC54102 Triggering SPI DMA from PININT Channel

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LPC54102 Triggering SPI DMA from PININT Channel

Contributor I


I am currently trying to interface my LPC54102 with a 24-bit ADC which is expected to run at its max data rate (~150kSPS), via the SPI interface.  This ADC features an active low data ready interrupt pin.

The way that I want it to work is that whenever the MCU detects a falling edge on the selected PININT channel, the SPI DMA would immediately get triggered to send out the command to read the ADC DATA.

When such data (4 bytes) has been received, I would like to have it automatically stored.  I am assuming that the SPI DMA can also do that for me?  So in this case, I may need both the TX and RX channel DMA'ed.

That said, I cannot seem to find a good example linking this procedure mentioned.  May anyone please kindly point me to the correct example or examples?

NOTE: I'm using this lib API -> lpc5410x_xpresso54102_keil_iar_v3.04.000

Thank you very much in advance!


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3 Replies

Contributor I

Thank you for your response.  The example that you were pointing to is non-LPCOpen API.  Would you happen to have an LPCOpen example that would walk through configuring a SPI MASTER with DMA support?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport



I apologize, but there are no other examples from LPCOpen that the ones included in LPCOpen Software for LPC5410X | NXP Semiconductors. The example that could help you is the "rom_spis_int_dma".




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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport



Hope you are doing well. We do not have a ready to use example that fits your full scenario.


For the DMA feature, I would recommend checking the spi_dma_b2b_transfer SDK example.


In this example, one spi instance as master and another spi instance on the other board as slave.

Master sends a piece of data to slave, and receive a piece of data from slave. The examples check if the data received from slave to master and master to slave are correct.


For the DMA trigger source, please refer to LPC5410x User manual.


Best Regards,


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