LPC4357 OEM-Board Embedded Artist Filesystem fpr SD/MMC Card

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LPC4357 OEM-Board Embedded Artist Filesystem fpr SD/MMC Card

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by dragooon on Thu Jan 23 06:43:58 MST 2014


Good day,
I would like for the memory card adapter of the LPC4357 mu.C.
I want to view and edit the data by a computer.
for that I have quite a bit to me through reading.
I want to build a simple FAT32 system. are there already projects or aid.
Greetings Andreas

Deutsch ( Orginaltext):

Guten Tag,
ich möchte für den Speicherkarten Adapter von dem LPC4357 µC.
Ich möchte die Daten von einem Rechner sehen und bearbeiten können. dazu habe ich mir schon einiges angelesen.
Ich möchte ein einfaches FAT32 system aufbauen.
Gibt es dazu schon projekte oder hilfen.
Grüße Andreas
Labels (1)
0 Kudos
3 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by dragooon on Tue Mar 04 05:47:44 MST 2014
Good day, I further came to gather file system unfortunately still not. I started with a simple SD card integration in a project.
(Guten Tag, ich bin mit meinerm Filesystem leider noch nicht weiter gekommen. Angefangen habe ich mit einer einfachen SD-Karten einbindung in einem Projekt.)

I found an example and adjusted:
(Ich habe ein Beispiel gefunden und angepasst:)
#include "allHeader.h"

#define PRINTF1
#define UART2

//Ausgaben Print F = Console(Semihost), USART über uart deklaration

uint32_t inputValue = 0;



/************************** PRIVATE DEFINITIONS ***********************/
/* CAUTION!!!!!!! READ THIS FIRST!!!!!!!
   Only enable write mode if you are using a SD/MMC card that can
   affort to lose data. This example actively writes to the card and
   will overwrite any data there corrupting files or file data. You
   may need to re-format your card after using this example with
   write enable. Use with care! */

/* If you want to try multiple sector read/write capability, enable
   this define. Multiple read/write uses a different command vs the
   single sector read write for faster data transfer rates */

/* Maximum multiple sector transfer size, 128 max limited by size
   of memory */

/* I've found it's easier to understand the pullup/pulldown defines
   seperate instead of using the combo MD_* macros */
#define MD_ENAB_PD (1<<3) /* Enable pull down resistor at pad */
#define MD_DIS_PU (1<<4) /* Disable pullup resistor at pad */

/* SD clock/data pins have fast slew rate, not glitch filter,
   buffered input, and no pulldown or pullup. Note that the board
   already has pullups on the necessary SD signals */

//#define MD_PLN_FAST (MD_PLN | MD_EZI | MD_ZI | MD_EHS) // Abweichung zum SCU.h

/************************** PRIVATE VARIABLES *************************/
uint8_t menu1[] =
"Hello NXP Semiconductors \n\r"
" SD/MMC read/write demo \n\r"
"\t - MCU: LPC18xx \n\r"
"\t - Core: ARM CORTEX-M3 \n\r"
"\t - Communicate via: UART0 - 115200 bps \n\r"
" Use SDIO to perform read and write into from/to Card\n\r"

static uint32_t lbuff[(MULT_XFER_MAX_SECTORS * MMC_SECTOR_SIZE) / sizeof(uint32_t)];
static uint32_t lbuff[MMC_SECTOR_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t)];
static volatile uint32_t u32Milliseconds = 0;
static volatile uint32_t mci_status, Leddelay = 500;

/* Keeping errorc global makes it easier to see it in the debugger */
int32_t errorc;
uint32_t tstartr, tstopr, tstartw, tstopw;
struct _mci_card_struct sdcardinfo;
static volatile int32_t sdio_wait_exit = 0;

/************************** PRIVATE FUNCTION *************************/
void print_menu(void);
void initPorts(void);
static int verify_data(int sectors, int initval, int inc);
static void prep_data(int initval, int inc);
/*-------------------------PRIVATE FUNCTIONS------------------------------*/
* @briefSystem tick interrupt handler
* @param[in]    None
* @returnNone
void SysTick_Handler (void)
u32Milliseconds += 10;

 * @briefPrint menu
 * @param[in]None
 * @return None
void print_menu(void)

* @briefWait for card program to finish
* @param[in]    None
* @returnNone
 static void wait_for_program_finish(void)
/* Poll card for program completion */
while (sdmmc_get_state() != SDMMC_TRAN_ST);

* @briefSDIO interrupt handler callback
* @param[in]    rinsts Optional input parameter
* @returnReturn value is 0, not currently used
static uint32_t sdmmc_irq(uint32_t rinsts)
/* Set wait exit flag to tell wait function we are ready. In an RTOS,
   this would trigger wakeup of a thread waiting for the IRQ. */
sdio_wait_exit = 1;

return 0;

* @brief Sets up the SD event driven wakeup
* @param[in]bits Status bits to poll for command completion
* @return None
static void sdmmc_setup_wakeup(uint32_t bits)
    /* Wait for IRQ - for an RTOS, you would pend on an event here
   with a IRQ based wakeup. */
sdio_wait_exit = 0;

* @brief A better wait callback for SDMMC driven by the IRQ flag
* @param[in]bits Status bits to poll for command completion
* @return 0 on success, or failure condition (-1)
static uint32_t sdmmc_irq_driven_wait(uint32_t bits)
    uint32_t status;

/* Wait for event, would be nice to have a timeout, but keep it
   simple */
while (sdio_wait_exit == 0);

/* Get status and clear interrupts */

return status;

* @brief Delay callback for timed SDIF/SDMMC functions
* @param[in]time Number of milliSeconds to wait
* @return None
void sdmmc_waitms(uint32_t time)
/* In an RTOS, the thread would sleep allowing other threads to
   run. For standalone operation, we just spin on a timer */
TIM_Waitus(time * 1000);

/*-------------------------MAIN FUNCTION------------------------------*/
 * @briefMain SDIO program body
 * @param[in]None
 * @return int
int c_entry(void)
uint8_t tmpVar =0;
uint32_t dms;
int32_t loops, blk;

errorc = 1;

//System init
//Clocks Init
//Port/Pins Init

/* Initialize debug via UART / Console
 * see"PLATFORM" & "DEBUG_PRINT" define
 * – 115200bps
 * – 8 data bit
 * – No parity
 * – 1 stop bit
 * – No flow control

// print welcome screen

//while ((tmpVar=_DG) != 0);

/* Wait for a card to be inserted (note CD is not on the
   SDMMC power rail and can be polled without enabling
   SD slot power */
while (!(sdif_card_ndetect()));
lpc_printf("Card inserted...\r\n");

/* Enable slot power, 0 to enable */

/* Allow some time for the power supply to settle and the
   card to fully seat in the slot */
dms = u32Milliseconds + 500;//+250
while (dms > u32Milliseconds);

/* Enumerate the card once detected. Note this function may
   block for a little while. */
if (!sdmmc_acquire(sdmmc_setup_wakeup, sdmmc_irq_driven_wait,
sdmmc_waitms, &sdcardinfo)) {

errorc = -1;
goto error_exit;

/* Setup card specific callbacks - use driver functions, but these can
   be changed to custom functions or unique functions per slot. These
   aren't used in the drivers, so setup of these is optional, but they
   are setup here to be complete. */
sdcardinfo.sdck_det = sdif_card_ndetect;
sdcardinfo.sdck_wp = sdif_card_wp_on;
sdcardinfo.sd_setpow = sdif_power_onoff;
sdcardinfo.sd_setrst = sdif_reset;

if (sdcardinfo.sdck_wp()){
lpc_printf("Card is write protected, so write tests will be skipped\r\n");

memset(lbuff, 0, sizeof(lbuff));
if (sdmmc_read_blocks((void *) lbuff, 0, 0) == 0) {
errorc = -2;
goto error_exit;
lpc_printf("Press 1 to write data to sector 1 and verify:\r\n");
while ((tmpVar=_DG) != 1);
/* Write a single sector of data (512 bytes) */
if (!sdcardinfo.sdck_wp()) {
prep_data(0, 1);
/* Warning: This may corrupt SD card data! */
if (sdmmc_write_blocks((void *) lbuff, 1, 1) == 0) {
errorc = -3;
goto error_exit;
/* Wait for write to finish (at the card) */
memset(lbuff, 0, sizeof(lbuff));
/* Read a single sector of data (512 bytes) */
if (sdmmc_read_blocks((void *) lbuff, 1, 1) == 0) {
errorc = -4;
goto error_exit;
/* Verify data and halt if an error occurs */
if (!sdcardinfo.sdck_wp()) {
if (verify_data(1, 0, 1) == 0) {
errorc = -5;
goto error_exit;


lpc_printf("Press 2 to write data in Multitransfer mode and then verify:\r\n");
while (_DG != 2);

/* Write data using multiple sector write */
if (!sdcardinfo.sdck_wp()) {
prep_data(0x10, 3);
/* Warning: This may corrupt SD card data! */
if (sdmmc_write_blocks((void *) lbuff, 1, MULT_XFER_MAX_SECTORS) == 0) {
errorc = -6;
goto error_exit;
memset(lbuff, 0, sizeof(lbuff));
/* Read data using multiple sector read */
if (sdmmc_read_blocks((void *) lbuff, 1, MULT_XFER_MAX_SECTORS) == 0) {
errorc = -7;
goto error_exit;

/* Verify data and halt if an error occurs */
if (!sdcardinfo.sdck_wp()) {
if (verify_data(MULT_XFER_MAX_SECTORS, 0x10, 3) == 0) {
errorc = -8;
goto error_exit;

lpc_printf("Press 3 to measure continuous read speed...\r\n");
while (_DG != 3);
tstartr = u32Milliseconds;
loops = 1000;
blk = 64;
while (loops-- > 0) {
if (sdmmc_read_blocks((void *) lbuff, blk, (blk + MULT_XFER_MAX_SECTORS - 1)) == 0) {
errorc = -8;
goto error_exit;

tstopr = u32Milliseconds;
lpc_printf("read speed = %d kB/s\r\n", MULT_XFER_MAX_SECTORS*512*1000/(tstopr-tstartr));

lpc_printf("Press 4 to measure continuous write speed...\r\n");
while (_DG != 4);
if (!sdcardinfo.sdck_wp()) {
tstartw = u32Milliseconds;
loops = 200;
blk = 64;
while (loops-- > 0) {
if (sdmmc_write_blocks((void *) lbuff, blk, (blk + MULT_XFER_MAX_SECTORS - 1)) == 0) {
errorc = -9;
goto error_exit;
tstopw = u32Milliseconds;
lpc_printf("write speed = %d kB/s\r\n", MULT_XFER_MAX_SECTORS*512*200/(tstopw-tstartw));

sdif_power_onoff(1); /* 1 to disable for Hitex board */

return errorc;

lpc_printf("Application failed.\r\n");
while (1);
return errorc;

/* Support required entry point for other toolchain */
int main (void)
return c_entry();

* @briefGenerates a data pattern in a buffer
* @param[in]    initval Initial value
* @param[in]    inc Increment value
* @returnNone
static void prep_data(int initval, int inc)
int i;
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) lbuff;

for (i = 0; i < sizeof(lbuff); i++) {
p = ((unsigned char) initval) & 0xff;
initval += inc;

* @briefVerifies a data pattern in a buffer
* @param[in]sectors Numbers of sectors to check, 512 bytes per sector
* @param[in]    initval Initial value
* @param[in]    inc Increment value
* @return0 if the verify fails, otherwise !0
static int verify_data(int sectors, int initval, int inc)
int i = 0, passed = 1;
uint8_t *cbuf = (uint8_t *) lbuff;
uint8_t tab;

while (i < (sectors * MMC_SECTOR_SIZE)) {
tab = cbuf;
if (cbuf != (uint8_t) (initval & 0xff)){
passed = 0;break;
initval += inc;
tab = tab;
return passed;
* @briefInit. Ports,Functions & Clock for SD- Interface
* @param[in]None
* @returnNone
void initPorts(void){
uint32_t sdio_clk=0;

/* Setup muxing for UART interface */
scu_pinmux(0x2 ,0 , MD_PDN, FUNC1); // PF.10 : UART0_TXD
scu_pinmux(0x2 ,1 , MD_PLN|MD_EZI|MD_ZI, FUNC1); // PF.11 : UART0_RXD

/* Configure the IO's for the LEDs */
/* Setup muxing for SD interface */
scu_pinmux(PORT_C ,PIN_09 , MD_DIS_PU, FUNC7);           /* Pc.9 SDIO power */       //checked
//scu_pinmux(0xD ,PIN_01 , MD_DIS_PU, FUNC5);           /* Pc.9 SDIO power */

//scu_pinmux(PORT_C ,PIN_02 , MD_DIS_PU, FUNC7);           /* Pc.2 SDIO LED *///not_found in user's manual, only there in schematic, LED Powerd over SD_Power
//scu_pinmux(0xf ,PIN_10, MD_DIS_PU | MD_EZI, FUNC6);  /* Pf.10 SDIO WP */        //Write Protect
//scu_pinmux(0xd ,PIN_15, MD_DIS_PU | MD_EZI, FUNC5);  /* Pf.10 SDIO WP */    //
scu_pinmux(PORT_C ,PIN_10, SDFASTINOUTPIN, FUNC7);      /* Pc.10 SDIO command */ //Command Input/Output
scu_pinmux(PORT_C ,PIN_08 , MD_DIS_PU | MD_EZI, FUNC7); /* Pc.8 SDIO CD *///Card Detect
scu_pinmux(PORT_C ,PIN_07 , SDFASTINOUTPIN, FUNC7);     /* Pc.7 SDIO D3 */       //Data Line 3
scu_pinmux(PORT_C ,PIN_06 , SDFASTINOUTPIN, FUNC7);     /* Pc.6 SDIO D2 *///Data Line 2
scu_pinmux(PORT_C ,PIN_05 , SDFASTINOUTPIN, FUNC7);     /* Pc.5 SDIO D1 *///Data Line 1
scu_pinmux(PORT_C ,PIN_04 , SDFASTINOUTPIN, FUNC7);     /* Pc.4 SDIO D0 */       //Data Line 0
scu_pinmux(PORT_C ,PIN_00 , MD_DIS_PU | MD_EHS, FUNC7); /* Pc.0 SDIO clock */     //Clock

#if 0 /* Not used, SD interfaces bits D4 - D7 */
scu_pinmux(PORT_C ,PIN_11 , SDFASTINOUTPIN, FUNC7);     /* Pc.7 SDIO D4 */
scu_pinmux(PORT_C ,PIN_12 , SDFASTINOUTPIN, FUNC7);     /* Pc.7 SDIO D5 */
scu_pinmux(PORT_C ,PIN_13 , SDFASTINOUTPIN, FUNC7);     /* Pc.7 SDIO D6 */
scu_pinmux(PORT_C ,PIN_14 , SDFASTINOUTPIN, FUNC7);     /* Pc.7 SDIO D7 */

LPC_SCU->SFSCLK_0 = 0x01;


/* Generate interrupt @ 100 Hz */
SysTick_Config(CGU_GetPCLKFrequency(CGU_PERIPHERAL_M4CORE) / 100);

/* The SDIO driver needs to know the SDIO clock rate */
sdio_clk = CGU_GetPCLKFrequency(CGU_PERIPHERAL_SDIO);

/* This init sdio with sdio_clk */
sdif_init(sdio_clk, sdmmc_irq);

#ifdef  DEBUG
* @briefReports the name of the source file and the source line number
* where the CHECK_PARAM error has occurred.
* @param[in]file Pointer to the source file name
* @param[in]    line assert_param error line source number
* @returnNone
void check_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line)
/* User can add his own implementation to report the file name and line number,
 ex: printf("Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n", file, line) */

/* Infinite loop */

 * @}

In the Function" if (! sdmmc_acquire (sdmmc_setup_wakeup, sdmmc_irq_driven_wait, sdmmc_waitms, &amp; sdcardinfo)) "leave the program to error state.
(In der Fktn "if (!sdmmc_acquire(sdmmc_setup_wakeup, sdmmc_irq_driven_wait,sdmmc_waitms, &sdcardinfo))" geht das Programm in den Fehlerzustand.)

* @brief Function to enumerate the SD/MMC/SDHC/MMC+ cards
* @param[in]evsetup_cb Pointer to event setup function callback
* @param[in]waitfunc_cb Pointer to wait function callback
* @param[in]msdelay_func Pointer to function that delays
* @param[in]pcardinfo Pointer to pre-allocated card info structure
* @return 1 if a card is acquired, otherwise 0
int32_t sdmmc_acquire(MCI_EVSETUP_FUNC_T evsetup_cb,
MCI_WAIT_CB_FUNC_T waitfunc_cb, MCI_MSDELAY_FUNC_T msdelay_func,
struct _mci_card_struct *pcardinfo)
int32_t status;
int32_t tries = 0;
uint32_t ocr = OCR_VOLTAGE_RANGE_MSK;
uint32_t r;
int32_t state = 0;
uint32_t command = 0;

g_card_info = pcardinfo;

/* Make sure callbacks are valid */
if ((waitfunc_cb == NULL) || (msdelay_func  == NULL) ||
(evsetup_cb  == NULL))
        return 0;

sdmmc_evsetup_cb = evsetup_cb;
    sdmmc_wait_cb = waitfunc_cb;
    sdmmc_msdelay_cb = msdelay_func;

/* clear card struct */
memset(g_card_info, 0, sizeof(*g_card_info));

/* clear card type */

/* set high speed for the card as 20MHz */
g_card_info->speed = MMC_MAX_CLOCK;

status = sdmmc_execute_command(CMD_IDLE, 0, MCI_INT_CMD_DONE);

while (state < 100)
switch (state)
case 0:     /* Setup for SD */
/* check if it is SDHC card */
status = sdmmc_execute_command( CMD_SD_SEND_IF_COND, SD_SEND_IF_ARG, 0);
if (!(status & MCI_INT_RTO))/*!< Response timeout error */
/* check response has same echo pattern */
if ((g_card_info->response[0] & SD_SEND_IF_ECHO_MSK) == SD_SEND_IF_RESP)
ocr |= OCR_HC_CCS;

command = CMD_SD_OP_COND;

/* assume SD card */
g_card_info->card_type |= CARD_TYPE_SD;
        g_card_info->speed = SD_MAX_CLOCK;

case 10:      /* Setup for MMC */
/* start fresh for MMC crds */
g_card_info->card_type &= ~CARD_TYPE_SD;
status = sdmmc_execute_command(CMD_IDLE, 0, MCI_INT_CMD_DONE);
command = CMD_MMC_OP_COND;
ocr |= OCR_HC_CCS;

/* for MMC cards high speed is 20MHz */
g_card_info->speed = MMC_MAX_CLOCK;

case 1:
case 11:
status = sdmmc_execute_command(command, 0, 0);
if (status & MCI_INT_RTO)
state += 9;/* Mode unavailable */

case 2:/* Initial OCR check  */
case 12:
ocr = g_card_info->response[0] | (ocr & OCR_HC_CCS);
if (ocr & OCR_ALL_READY)
state += 2;

case 3:/* Initial wait for OCR clear */
case 13:
while ((ocr & OCR_ALL_READY) && --tries > 0)
status = sdmmc_execute_command(command, 0, 0);
ocr = g_card_info->response[0] | (ocr & OCR_HC_CCS);
if (ocr & OCR_ALL_READY)
state += 7;

case 14:
/* for MMC cards set high capacity bit */
ocr |= OCR_HC_CCS;
case 4:     /* Assign OCR */
ocr &= OCR_VOLTAGE_RANGE_MSK | OCR_HC_CCS;/* Mask for the bits we care about */
status = sdmmc_execute_command(command, ocr, 0);
r = g_card_info->response[0];
} while (!(r & OCR_ALL_READY) && --tries > 0);

if (r & OCR_ALL_READY)
/* is it high capacity card */
g_card_info->card_type |= (r & OCR_HC_CCS);
state += 6;

case 5:     /* CID polling */
case 15:
status = sdmmc_execute_command(CMD_ALL_SEND_CID, 0, 0);
memcpy(&g_card_info->cid, &g_card_info->response[0], 16);

case 6:     /* RCA send, for SD get RCA */
status = sdmmc_execute_command(CMD_SD_SEND_RCA, 0, 0);
g_card_info->rca = (g_card_info->response[0]) >> 16;

case 16:      /* RCA assignment for MMC set to 1 */
g_card_info->rca = 1;
status = sdmmc_execute_command(CMD_MMC_SET_RCA, g_card_info->rca << 16, 0);

case 7:
case 17:
status = sdmmc_execute_command(CMD_SEND_CSD, g_card_info->rca << 16, 0);
memcpy(&g_card_info->csd, &g_card_info->response[0], 16);
state = 100;

state += 100; /* break from while loop */

/* Compute card size, block size and no. of blocks
   based on CSD response recived. */
if (prv_card_acquired()) {     /////****BRAKEPOINT******//////

/* Setup card data width and block size (once) */
if (prv_set_trans_state() != 0)
return 0;
if (prv_set_card_params() != 0)
return 0;

return prv_card_acquired();

The recordings were made at the "///***BRAKEPOINT***///".
(Die Aufnahmen wurden beim "/////****BRAKEPOINT******//////" gefertigt.)

I tried the how to understand but am only with moderate success.
(Ich habe versucht die Funktionsweise nachzuvollziehen bin aber mit mäßigem erfolg nur.)

Can someone help me?
(Kann mir Jemand dabei helfen ?)

with friendly greetings
(Mit Freundlichen Grüßen )
                                      Andreas Kullick
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Martin84 on Thu Jan 23 09:45:48 MST 2014
Hi Andreas,

most people are using the FS from http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_e.html.

See you tomorrow ;-)

Regards, Martin
0 Kudos