LPC1788 Heap and Stack Usage Report Generation Issue In FreeRTOS Based Code .

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LPC1788 Heap and Stack Usage Report Generation Issue In FreeRTOS Based Code .

Contributor I

We are using LPC1788 OEM Board REV E.of Embedded Artists.
We are using MCUXpresso IDE V11.3.0 and FreeRTOS Lwip stack.

The FreeRTOS  version is  "V7.5.3".

We are able to Generate the Heap and Stack Usage Report for The Example code Given for LPC1788 in which FreeRTOS was not used.

But when we try to generate the Same Report for the example code which uses FreeRTOS for ex. freertos_blinky the Heap and Stack Usage Report is not gets Generated.

Please see attached  Heap and Stack Usage Reports of both the cases.

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3 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

FreeRTOS projects handle the Stack and Heap usage differently (by tasks). That said, the Stack and Heap usage will be listed under the FreeRTOS Views from the top menu bar instead of the conventional “Heap and Stack usage” window. For more information, refer to Section 3 of the MCUXpresso IDE FreeRTOS Debug Guide: https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/quick-reference-guide/MCUXpresso_IDE_FreeRTOS_Debug_Guide.pdf


Best regards,


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Contributor I

We are using MULTILINK UNIVERSAL FX (PE micro probes) DEBUGGER.

WE have made Changes in our code as per the Document  https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/quick-reference-guide/MCUXpresso_IDE_FreeRTOS_Debug_Guide.pdf

Please see attached screenshots of task list and heap usage view .
in task list view we are still getting a warning and heap usage view is not being generated.
 i have already defined the variable in FreeRTOSconfig.h file static const uint8_t freeRTOSMemoryScheme = 2;

Please help us to resolve this issue.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Try doing the following changes on the FreeRTOSConfig.h instead:

#define configFRTOS_MEMORY_SCHEME               4

#define configRECORD_STACK_HIGH_ADDRESS         1

I hope this helps.

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