(Help) Connecting LPC1769 LPCXPresso with HD44780 16x2 LED Display

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(Help) Connecting LPC1769 LPCXPresso with HD44780 16x2 LED Display

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Nabil55 on Sun Jul 13 23:27:05 MST 2014
I recently bought the HD44780 16x2 LED display, and was hoping to display something on it using my LPC1769 LPCXpresso board. Looking online, I came across an example someone posted to display something on the same display with the LPCXpresso. However, I'm not exactly sure about which pins to use. For reference, the example included three files:

main.c (https://01346703230337342267.googlegroups.com/attach/37a3693e358f1f6c/main.c?part=0.3&view=1&vt=ANaJ...)

LCD.h (https://01346703230337342267.googlegroups.com/attach/37a3693e358f1f6c/LCD.h?part=0.2&view=1&vt=ANaJV...)

LCD.c (https://01346703230337342267.googlegroups.com/attach/37a3693e358f1f6c/LCD.c?part=0.1&view=1&vt=ANaJV...)

Now from what I read in the code, I THINK the display's RS pin is connected to pin 2.0 on the board, and the E pin is connected to pin 2.1 (correct me if I'm wrong, as I am still a beginner with these things). However, what about the display's R/W pin? Isn't that supposed to be connected? If so, where in the board? Also, what of the eight data bit pins (DB0-DB7)? Where do they go?
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by serge on Mon Jul 14 04:50:23 MST 2014
The display is used in 4 bits mode.
The RS pin is GPIO2.0, the E pin is GPIO2.1, the first data pin is GPIO2.4
The R/W pin isn't used. The lcd is fast enough to not have to read the 'busy' bit.
The R/W pin at the LCD side should be connected to ground (permanent write)

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