Example code for LPC 4370 in LPC link2

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Example code for LPC 4370 in LPC link2

Contributor I

I am unable to find the example files for LPC Link2 (LPC 4370). Please share LPC4370_LPCLink2_LEDblinky.zip

This is to test the Link2 board

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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Puh, where did you find a reference to this zip file?

Attached is a setup which worked one time under LPCXpresso, no idea if it can be imported into MCUXpresso.

It is a quick & dirty derivative of a Blinky project for the LPC4330 Xplorer board from NGX Technologies.

The smaller one is the same blinky function, reduced to the minimum. This would be the basis to create an own little LPC4370 project based on MCUXpresso.

In the big project please navigate to the following file:   .\Link2_LED1_Blinky\LPC4330-Xplorer_LedToggle\src\ledtoggle.c

to find the short initialization which lets the LED blink. Don't know if all the rest is really used, I just left everything as is, can't remember if it's really required.



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