we need the functionality of USB. they are using "lpcxpresso55s16_dev_composite_cdc_vcom_cdc_vcom_lite_bm". where as we are using HS-USB. As per recomended which is only used for USB - Field Programming not FS-USB. If we change the code to HS-USB it's not working in O2 optimize, kindly look into the code and give us solution.
in addition to this we tested
lpcxpresso55s16_dev_cdc_vcom_bm SDK Code we are getting the error in serial as shown in the attached
Dear Jun Zhang,
Thanks for quick response, because this is critical project,
We are testing "lpcxpresso55s16_dev_composite_cdc_vcom_cdc_vcom_lite_bm" with O2 optimization with this SDK example HS USB we are testing we are seeing both the serial terminal disconnected, but O0 optimization both serial terminal are connected.
Hi Adarsh1
Normally the default demo code is FS USB. To change to HS USB:
Chang file :usb_device_config.h
/*! @brief LPC USB IP3511 FS instance count */
/*! @brief LPC USB IP3511 HS instance count */
Did you do the same?
If yes, How if works with default optimization level (-O0)? Do you mean this problem occurs when optimization change from -O0 to -O3?
Did you test O1 and O2?
Please let me know your testing result, I could get a board to test it later.
Jun Zhang
1. Did you test O1 and O2?
2. Please test the demo with O3 on latest SDK2.12.0, as far as I know it fixed some problem of previous versions, including USB samples.