Draw Bitmap Picture from SD Card ?

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Draw Bitmap Picture from SD Card ?

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by e135193 on Wed Aug 29 02:25:38 MST 2012

   I'm using emWin.

   It is a straigthforward work to draw a bitmap picture using bitmapconvertor for emWin.
   There is an explanation for "Displaying Bitmap Files" in the chapter-8 at emWin User Manuel. However it is not so clear.

   Is there a code example for drawing a bitmap picture from SD card or any other storage media ?

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4 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by studyembedded on Sat Sep 28 23:01:00 MST 2013
Thanks Guy's, sorry i was away for few days. I appreciate your efforts, i will go through emwin user manual...thanks for your guidence.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by bavarian on Wed Sep 25 00:50:21 MST 2013
If the image data is not available as a const array in a memory mapped area, emWin also supports loading of image data from streaming devices like an SD card or SPI, or UART or whatever.
As Wouter already mentioned, you need to adapt the GetData function according to your enviroment. Look into the emWin docu in chapter "Displaying bitmap files / Getting data with the ...Ex() functions", there is a meaningful example.

An example for an SD card file system for LPC1800/4300 can be found in in the LPCopen software package in .\lpcopen_v1.03\applications\lpc18xx_43xx\examples\periph\periph_sdmmc.
For other MCUs there are similar examples, either from us or 3rd parties or from the community. Just Google for it.

NXP Support.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Wouter on Tue Sep 24 17:58:10 MST 2013

You'll need to use the GUI_BMP_DrawEx() function for that.
Segger has an example of using this function in their "Drawing bitmap files" tutorial on http://www.segger.com/emwin-samples.html
You'll need to adapt the _GetData() function so that it reads the data from your storage device.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by studyembedded on Thu Sep 19 21:46:56 MST 2013
HI Friends,
Sorry for commenting on this old post, I thought instead of starting a new post better comment here. I am looking for ward for the same thing.
Is any one there tried pulling images from SD card? i am sure there must be hundreds of developer who can easily make this. But i am not getting it, Please guide me friends...thanks.
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