migrating from LPC

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migrating from LPC

Senior Contributor I

Having designed around the LPC microcontrollers for about three years, I find that there are some Kinetis micros that have the peripherals I need when the LPCs don't.

Have you any details about migrating from LPC to Kinetis?

For instance:

Can I use the same debugging probe (LPCLINK2) or do I need something different?

I presume I need KDS instead of MCUXpresso.

What do I need to know to get the chip up-and-running? i.e How do I select the clock and what is the Kinetis equivalent to SWM, SYSAHBCLKCTRL and PDRUNCFG (LPC's most notorious traps for the unwary!)

(I don't mind the RTFM answer, provided you tell me which manual, and which section!)

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5 Replies

Specialist V

Hello Ian

All (most) Kinetis development boards come with a built-in OpenSDA debugger (with USB-MSD downloading, VCOM and debugging) and have Jtag/SWD connections for using an external debugger. You may be able to use the LPCLINK2 since it uses a Segger interface but it depends on whether the chosen IDE supports it.

You can use MCUXpresso, KDS, Codewarrior or various other tools (see below for typical list).

See the following for clocking: http://www.utasker.com/kinetis/MCG.html

Not all Kinetis parts use identical clocking, modules or peripheral types so you need to consult the details of the particular device targeted. Alternatively, if you specify the devices targeted specific details can be given.
Also try the uTasker open source project since it allows most Kinetis parts to be simulated (in approx- real-time, including peripherals, interrupts, DMA etc.) so you can already see working Kinetis projects and have complete code to do almost everything you need.




uTasker developer and supporter (+5'000 hours experience on +60 Kinetis derivatives in +80 product developments)
Kinetis: http://www.utasker.com/kinetis.html

Kinetis: http://www.utasker.com/kinetis.html

Free Open Source solution: https://github.com/uTasker/uTasker-Kinetis
Working project in 15 minutes video: https://youtu.be/K8ScSgpgQ6M

IDEs included:
    NXP's MCUXpresso
    NXP's Kinetis Design Studio (KDS)
    Freescale's CodeWarrior 10.x
    S32 Design Studio for ARM
    Rowley Associate's Crossworks
    CooCox CoIDE
    IAR Embedded Workbench
    Keil µVision
    Green Hills
    Atollic TrueSTUDIO for ARM
    Standalone GCC from Makefile
    VisualStudio for Kinetis simulation

For better, faster, cheaper product developments consider the uTasker developer's version, professional Kinetis support, one-on-one training and complete fast-track project solutions to set you apart from the herd : http://www.utasker.com/support.html

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Senior Contributor I

I was thinking of using MCUXpresso because it keeps everything together and I am familiar with it (i.e. I know most of its bugs), and I've seen posts about importing KDS projects into it; but I can't find out how to start a new project. There doesn't seem to be anything in "settings" to tell it to include the Kinetis processors, and none of them appears in the list when creating a new project. I have 10.1.0 

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Specialist V

Hello Ian

I think that the idea is that you first generate SDK for the corresponding processor board and import that to MCUXpresso. Then it appears as a target for the new project wizard - eg, here I have added a few SDKs and their boards/processors appear:


For MCUXpresso questions it is best to use the MCUXpresso IDE forum: https://community.nxp.com/community/mcuxpresso/mcuxpresso-ide




uTasker developer and supporter (+5'000 hours experience on +60 Kinetis derivatives in +80 product developments)
Kinetis: http://www.utasker.com/kinetis.html

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Senior Contributor I


I think I'm getting SDK confused with KDS.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Lan,

   I highly suggest you use the MCUXpresso IDE, because you use the LPC before, the MCUXpresso IDE can totally compatible with the LPCXpresso IDE which you must familiar with it.

   About how to get start with the Kinetis, you can refer to the KSDK, I don't know which kinetis chip you want to use now, but normally, each kinetis chip will have the according official board, this board already have the on board debugger (JLINK, opensda ,cmsis dap), just like the LPCxpresso board which contains the on board debugger LPC-LINK2.

   If you are not use the official kinetis board, you also can use the LPCLINK2 to debug the kinetis chip, LPC-LINK2 already can support the kinetis chip, I have test it before, you can use the JLINK firmware.

   About the peripheral module learning, please download the kinetis SDK code from this link:

Welcome | MCUXpresso SDK Builder 


Wish it helps you!

If you still have question about it, please let me know.

Have a great day,

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